Encontrada una copia perdida en un mercadillo (sic), se ha realizado una magnífica restauración de esta película de 1924 que, escalofriantemente, se adelanta una década a los hechos que todos conocemos:

Edita Flick Alley en USA, zona A. Nada de español.

Special Features:
Victims of Hatred (Opfer des Hasses) (1923) - A semi-documentary feature additionally restored by Filmarchiv Austria about the Jewish refugees who fled pogroms in Russia, produced by the Ju disches Hilfswerk - the Jewish Relief Organization in Vienna. Music composed and performed by Donald Sosin. ONLY IN THIS EDITION!
Conversation with Dr. Nikolaus Wostry, Filmarchiv Austria (2019) - Dr. Margrit Frölich moderates an in-depth interview with Dr. Nikolaus Wostry, managing director and head of film collections at Filmarchiv Austria, discussing the challenging history of the film and its legacy in the Republic of Austria today. ONLY IN THIS EDITION!
Saving Die Stadt ohne Juden (2016) - Filmarchiv Austria s crowdfunding campaign video for the digital scanning of The City without Jews (Die Stadt ohne Juden), an integral step in the process of rescuing and preserving this landmark of Austrian silent cinema. ONLY IN THIS EDITION!
The City without Jews, Muslims, Refugees, Foreigners - The chilling images featured in this slide show of the 2018 exhibition at METRO Kinokulturhaus document both the historical context of the film and its truly expansive contemporary relevance. ONLY IN THIS EDITION!
Collector's Edition Souvenir Booklet - Limited edition booklet with new essays by Ernst Kieninger, Armin Loacker, Margrit Frölich, and Cynthia Walk on the film s history and significance, as well as articles on the comprehensive reconstruction and restoration process by Anna Dobringer and Fumiko Tsuneishi.