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Tema: Lector MP3 con disco duro

  1. #51
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: :(

    El iaudio m3 puede tener muy buena calidad de sonido, por su elevada relación señal/ruido (95dB) y su potencia (20mW por canal), mientras que otros se quedan en 5-1. Así que no tendrá problemas en mover cascos "durillos", como los Koss Porta Pro.

    Pero de momento no he encontrado ninguna crítica que haga referencia a los dos factores que más me interesan: la calidad de sonido y la facilidad de navegación.

    Mientras tanto, que no falten las fotos.



  2. #52
    Fecha de ingreso
    06 abr, 03
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: :(

    Realmente las fotos no van a faltar con este enlace que has puesto <img src= ALT=":mola">

    Yo no he encontrado ninguna critica ni del iAudio M3 ni del Auvi SA1500. Respecto a la facilidad de navegación, he leido por ahi que el sistema del Auvi es exactamente igual que el iPod, incluso se piensa que sea el mismo. Del otro no tengo ni idea, aunque imagino que será algo más complicada ya que la pantalla es bastante menor y complica bastante las cosas...

    La verdad es que no entiendo mucho de la calidad de audio a partir de datos... que me puedes decir del Auvi? De momento lo veo como la opcion más viable, ya que tiene modelo de 40 Gb, y tengo previsto usarlo como disco duro portátil tambien para archivos enormes (edicion de video y similares)

    Y como lo prometido es deuda... los reproductores audio/video del CeBIT de hace unos dias:

    Este es el Archos AV 300, no he encontrado datos precisos de el (joder, parezco un Terminator), solo que éste si reproduce DivX a parte de MP3. WMA, WMV9...

    Y este es el de Creative, el Creative Zen Portable Media Center (espero no fastidiar el ancho del foro):


    3.8” TFT Color LCD
    20 GB or higher HDD
    Rechargeable battery (Li-Ion)
    Microsoft Portable Media Center Platform
    Digital Multimedia Player - (Plays Windows Media Video 7, 8 and 9, Windows Media Audio 8, Windows Media Image, MP3, JPEG and TIFF files)
    * The information and specifications above are preliminary and subject to change.

    Y eso es todo

    Grubert, tienes datos o fotos del Aiwa? He visto solo una foto, es parecido al iAudio, pero no se nada mas de el, y no pinta mal...

    <hr />
    You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

    Tyler Durden

    <div style="text-align:center">Mis DVDs</div></p>

  3. #53
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: :(

    El Aiwa va por otro lado: tiene sólo 2GB de capacidad, en el sector del mini iPod.

    Del Auvi no he encontrado tampoco nada.

    Una tienda holandesa me ha dicho que esperan recibir el iaudio M3 en dos semanas. Eso está mucho mejor.

    Así que el M3 va ganando puntos día a día:


    </p>Editado por: <A HREF=>G rubert</A>* fecha: 26/3/04 9:29

  4. #54
    パウ様 Avatar de zervantes
    Fecha de ingreso
    30 jul, 03
    7 veces

    Predeterminado Archos

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Todavía no tiene nombre pero es impresionante.<hr></blockquote>

    Buenas Grubert. Eso es lo que ando buscando, la has clavado. MP3 + CF + Gb a tuti pleni. Como salga pronto y la bateria sea buena me lo pillo. Antes de julio tengo que comprarme un aparato de estos, y no hay nada que me convenza por el momento.

    Gran notición Grubert <img src= ALT=":birra">

    <img src= ALT=":chino">


  5. #55
    Creative Machine Avatar de dave
    Fecha de ingreso
    23 ago, 02
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    jo... pues yo con mi Iriver y mis 10 Gb soy tan feliz... <img src= ALT=":amor"> .

    <hr /><span style="color:red;">I'm a Rabbit.</span>
    I look cute and cuddly, but i’m a born killer. I can leap a hundred feet to decapitate a man with my vicious little teeth. RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!</p>

  6. #56
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 ene, 03
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    Vosotros fiaros de los Archos, que ya veréis, ya... <img src= ALT=":preocupado2">



  7. #57
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    hombre, la Archos 300 era una caquita, pero las siguientes han mejorado mucho...

    En todo caso, la AV500 (que parece que así se llamará) seguramente no pueda conseguirse hasta la segunda mitad del año.



  8. #58
    Ninth Passenger Avatar de yíyel
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 ene, 03
    13 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    Yo tambien ando mirando un aparatito de estos y el que mas me convence es el IRiver 120, pero se me escapa de presupuesto, así que quizas tire hacia el Creative Jukebox Zen Xtra de 30 Gb. El de 60 Gb. tambien es una pasada, pero al igual que el IRiver, se va por encima de los 400 euros...


  9. #59
    Fecha de ingreso
    29 ene, 02
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    Yiyel, sobre qué precio se mueve el Creative Jukebox Zen Xtra de 30 Gb? ¿Lo estás viendo aquí o en EEUU?


  10. #60
    Ninth Passenger Avatar de yíyel
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 ene, 03
    13 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    Hola ophuls. Yo lo estoy mirando aquí. De momento, donde lo he visto mejor de precio es en Optize . Viene a salir por 310 euros. Hay un modelo practicamente igual, que sale por 300. Parece que la principal diferencia entre ambos es el display. En cuanto al de 60 Gb, ya son 414 euros y el iRiver 120, 450 euros (todos los precios con IVA incluido).


  11. #61
    <º)))))>< Avatar de Bman
    Fecha de ingreso
    05 sep, 03
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    Después de leer un par de cosas y quedarme alucinado con los Archos
    Creo q no me compro nada q no soporte WM9.... <img src= ALT=":apaleao">

    Welcome Summer!!!</p>

  12. #62
    Fecha de ingreso
    29 abr, 03
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    Ya en enero consegui directamente de UMD (el mayorista en España de Iriver) 2 IHP-120 a 420 euros (IVA incluido) a 2 foreros. Ahora han bajado un poco y creo que rondan los 410 o 415 euros en venta a distribuidores.
    El de creative de 30 gigas se queda en mas o menos 300 euros con IVA aunque a mi me sigue convenciendo mas el IRIVER del que por cierto ya esta a la venta la version de 40 gigas <img src= ALT=":laleche"> .

    Los Archos que he tenido en su dia, estabn bien pero resultaban un poco pesados para mi gusto.

    Un saludo


  13. #63
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    El mejor precio del iRiver iHP-120 en Europa está en Son 255 libras más 5 de gastos de envío, con lo que sale a unos 390 euros.



  14. #64
    Fecha de ingreso
    29 abr, 03
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    La unica pega de esa tienda es el tema de la garantia ya que si tienes un problema lo tienes que enviar a arreglar a inglaterra. Ademas y esto creo que es un simple error, indican que la garantia es de un solo año cuando deberia ser de dos a menos de que no se hayan acogido a la normativa europa, cosa que desconozco. En España al no estar comprado mediante el canal "oficial" no se hacen responsables de el. Es la pega que tiene el que el servicio tecnico lo haga directamente el mayorista que lo distribuye en España
    Y ya puestos a tirarse a la piscina prefiero comprarmelo en USA que con el cambio anda rondando los 300 euros mas gastos de envio

    Un saludo


  15. #65
    <º)))))>< Avatar de Bman
    Fecha de ingreso
    05 sep, 03
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    ¿Has realizado una pre-selección de algunos?
    Cada vez me convence más (por lo que voy leyendo) la Marca iRiver...pero el tema del WM9 Video y sus magnífica HD me tira mucho los ARCHOS....
    Actualmente tengo en mente el:
    iRiver H120
    iRiver F390T
    o algún Archos...
    <img src= ALT=":ein">

    Welcome Summer!!!</p>

  16. #66
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 ene, 03
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    Vale, Cudeiro... Ahora que ya era feliz con mi iRiver de 20 Gb, me sueltas lo del de 40... Sabiendo lo caprichoso que soy yo... <img src= ALT=":>:">

    Ahora en serio. El caso es que lo uso mayormente como disco duro cuando me voy de viaje a hacer instalaciones, y me vendría bien esa capacidad extra. Así que si alguien quiere uno con poquitos meses de uso (más o menos, de cuando Cudeiro pidió los suyos), y estado impecable (por que de uso real tiene aún menos), con auriculares sin desprecintar (tengo unos Etymotic), embalaje original, y toda la gaita... que me lo diga.

    Dado que su precio de venta al público es de 490 euros, y que a distribución según Cudeiro sale a 420, un buen precio creo que sería 340 euros. Si a alguno os interesa, mandadme un email a meditronARROBITAtelelinePUNTILLOes.

    <img src= ALT=":enfermo">



  17. #67
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Archos

    Manu, si ya estás hecho al iRiver, te aconsejaría irte al iHP-340, que además te sirve para guardar directamente y visualizar las fotos de tu cámara digital:

    ¡Otia! ¡¡Ya se puede reservar en Alemania!!



  18. #68
    recién llegado
    Fecha de ingreso
    31 mar, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Dudas en la elección

    Hola a todos:
    Hace tiempo que venia fijándome en estos "juguetitos", y creo que voy a lanzarme a comprar uno,pero tengo mis dudas entre estos modelos :

    IRiver IHP-120
    Creative Nomad Muvo2 4GB
    NOMAD Jukebox Zen 20 GB

    Tampoco exijo demasiado disco duro, con 20 gb me sobra, he puesto tb.el Muvo relación calidad- precio es bastante buena,aunque se que está un escalón por debajo de los otros dos (lo bueno de éste es su reducido tamaño).
    Como veo que hay por aqui mucho usuario de mp3 queria saber vuestros consejos.


  19. #69
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Dudas en la elección

    Si quieres un iHP-120, espera un poco a que salgan los de la serie 300, y entonces seguramente bajarán de precio el 120 y 140.

    A mí me gusta cada vez más el iaudio:

    He encontrado también una crítica en chino, que he traducido más o menos al inglés. Espero que se entienda más o menos:

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Table of contents:
    1st page: Packing and fitting: Fine present packing
    2nd page: Outward appearance design: 简约 is fine
    3rd page: Operation use feeling: IAudio was makes this competitive ability the product to put many thoughts.
    4th page: The screen demonstrated the effect/function formidable line controls: Displayed information extremely rich, lets the person be clear.
    5th page: Contrast: Contrasts iRiver Corporation iHP100
    6th page: Performance performance: Not only has really the iPod slender volume, also is having the iHP strong performance.
    7th page: Sound effect system and feeling: The final test result I outstandingly use to describe it!
    On March 19, 2004, the South Korean famous multimedia digital player and software manufacturer "iAudio" had issued its ultra-thin (14.2mm) 1.8 inches hard disks players M3, this meant in hard disk MP3 kind of product a many iPod powerful enemy. It integrated iPod and the iHP majority of merits (section "was nearly impossible to exist" product in the very great degree unexpectedly to appear), was allowed to say was two complex compounds: Ultra thin contour and formidable performance. This section product officially goes on the market on March 22 in South Korea, the price is 449,000 Han Yuan (converts into Renminbi 3,162 Yuan).IT168 the first time has already carried on the detailed report in most recent several days to this section product, but the present first time has also attained this section product newest evaluation, gets down 面请 and us pays attention to this section product together. Please look at this performance and the beautiful incarnation, iHP and the iPod complex compound - - iAudio M3 first evaluation.
    First looks at the parameter:

    Packing and fitting
    This section product use and the iRiver iHP series similar packing (can see pointed very strong), the neat design lets us be clear to the player outward appearance. Packing tone and main engine close, is very coordinated, 简约 the player main body design and the large screen line controls for the person the very intense visual effect. On the packing has also indicated this player some characteristics.
    All fittings are as follows, including: The main engine, the line controls, foundation, connection adapter, ear plug, line in line, battery charger and USB line.
    Because the author attains the edition which is not officially goes on the market, all fittings aspect has lacked 皮套, installs the compact disc and the instruction booklet.
    The line controls volume 33.2mm x 58.6mm x 14.4mm, is big. But above integrated a six line of charts articles demonstration great size blue color LED back light liquid crystal screen, demonstrated the pattern and iAudio 4 dodge saves the type player to be same.
    On the main engine has not disposed the display monitor, the complete information demonstrated controlled on the dependent function formidable line. This kind of design can effectively reduce the player volume. The main engine design has adopted 简约 the design style, directly only has three pressed keys conditions display lamp; The main body used the extremely exquisite metal pellet to rub the sand craft, feel is very good.
    The main engine controls the connection besides the line only to have a base connection to use in to connect to a connection adapter or the foundation (the similar iPod design). The USB connection, the charge connection and the line input output connection all relies on this connection adapter. This also is reduces the player volume the design, but leaves the gate possibly slightly to have inconvenient, must remember carries this connection adapter.
    The disposition foundation, the function and the above connection adapter is completely same, the transmission, the charge, the line input output all depends on it.

    Outward appearance design
    The player base connection was allowed to see has profited from the iPod design, gave up the multitudinous connection, but used a sole connection oundation or the connection adapter realizes the transmission, the charge, the line input output.
    On the main engine another connection is the line controls the connection, is located right flank the main engine place above.
    Pressed key altogether six, distribute left side of the machine place above, the frontage is right/stops, the advance and the backlash pressed key including the broadcast, right flank has distributed a three dimensional pressed key, recording and the Hold key, in addition records the microphone hole.
    * Player main body design:
    The player and the foundation unified whole, match very much appropriately.
    Succinct compact is this player design style, this player is extremely successful in thickness control.
    Operation use feeling:
    The M3 line controls the relative size which line controls with iRiver the iHP, the M3 line controls the volume to want big somewhat.
    The line controls the three dimensional operation key and CW250 which uses is same.
    The player main body pressed key design is reasonable, can facilitate the realization one-handed operation.
    IAudio puts this player main engine on pressed key in the M3 left angular position, brings the very big convenience to the operation, moreover has used and the CW200/300 same pressed key operating mode. The pattern/records the key also to facilitate operates, only uses the thumb then to realize all functions operation. Attains in front of this test edition prototype in the author, once had some worries - because before the iAudio new product dodged saves MP3 player iAudio 4 has some problems on software and the pressed key, therefore the author also worried this section hard disk MP3 player could also have the similar question appearance. However after I carry on the use and the test to it, discovered these worries are unnecessary.
    This section player very obviously has made the improvement on the iAudio firmware, although uses the same operation and the use contact surface, but before the iAudio 4 existences questions have not appeared, the pressed key operation design very human nature, may very conveniently realize the one-handed operation, moreover the pressed key certainly does not look like iAudio 4 such to appear too small and too hard, operates quite is comfortable, was allowed to see iAudio is makes this competitive ability the product to put many thoughts. However used or had the dying machine situation, after used "reset (reset)" the pressed key to restore normally, some establishments lost, but because this tests the prototype, existed insufficient in certain aspects may forgive, hoped officially went on the market when no longer had this kind of question. When I open its packing box, puts starts in the palm, I intensely felt this section product fine makes the labor and the design: The outer covering uses the aluminum alloy manufacture lightly, the weight, the metal feeling is strong, you will feel the ice-cold metal flavor. The use metal rubs the sand craft before, is extremely exquisite, compares the similar use metal rubs the sand craft on cw300 a yet higher goal. The player main engine does not have the display monitor, mainly depends upon the crown three LED lamp instruction current player active status, broadcasts the information to demonstrate completely hands over by the large screen liquid crystal display line controls is responsible. This kind of design lets the player main engine appear extremely compact and succinct, the volume even more is also slender, but the function actually completely does not have the synaeresis. The player overall design style is "the quadrangle", regardless of the main engine or the line control all so, this and the before iAudio 4 designs style is extremely similar. The player positive three pressed keys play the embellishment role, causes the overall design feeling to be steadier but is not monotonous. - The design style author extremely appreciates.

    Screen demonstration effect:
    The player main engine does not have the display monitor, the information demonstration all relies on the liquid crystal line besides the main engine three LED indicating lamp to control.
    The iAudio M3 screen demonstrated has inherited the iAudio 4 demonstrations contact surfaces, because has 128×96 the picture element 6 lines of writing to demonstrate large screen, therefore displayed information extremely rich, lets the person be clear. The menu conversion rate is very quick, moreover in screen song dynamic demonstration synchronization very good. The liquid crystal screen back light demonstrated uses the LED lamp but the non- EL back light. I once worried the LED lamp demonstrated the effect is inferior to the EL back light evenly, but in the actual use discovered on M3 the back light demonstration effect is very good, the whole was very even, basic nothing is worth the place which worried. But LED a lamp relative EL back light merit is lightens cannot create the noise, therefore looked from the music angle, this choice is correct; Moreover in the ordinary circumstances the LED lamp compares the EL back light brightness to want big somewhat. The liquid crystal screen uses four levels of gray scales designs, therefore the demonstration effect compares the common display monitor to want comfortable and attractive, moreover the legibility is better. In concrete operation because four levels of gray scales discrimination better, therefore is choosing operation and so on song time is more effective.
    The function formidable line controls:
    The line controls may realize all functions, the volume is big. Uses two three dimensional operations keys, before uses the CW series product user to be able to be familiar with it very much.
    If integrated the microphone the line to control is perfect.

    Connection and foundation design:
    Let us examine carefully the connection design which this player has an unconventional idea.
    Pulled out the majority of connections leaves, reduced the player main body volume. When must use the charge, the transmission, the line input output function meets the adapter then. Certainly advantageous also has the shortcoming, if forgot the belt adapter or the foundation speech, charged also is unable to realize.
    The foundation realizes the function and the connection adapter is completely same, its design only is lets you in home's time places safer somewhat.
    This section player performance and it is similarly dazzling in the outward appearance volume performance, not only has really the iPod slender volume, also is having the iHP strong performance, accurate said some functions synthesized the two merit. But also has the place which was a pity, it does not have the text browsing function which iPod and iHP all supports.
    Quick transmission:
    IAudio M3 has had the satisfying transmission speed, supports USB2.0 to cause the file transfer to be easy, packs the 20G capacity the time and iAudio 4 uses USB1.1 to pack the 512MB capacity to consume the time difference not to be many, does not need for a hour then to complete. IAudio M3 may treat as a motion hard disk use, under the system can demonstrate moves the shifting plate symbol, you may tow put the document realization transmission, and the establishment revision folder, the player crown LED instruction lantern festival told you to transmit is carrying on or already completes. Transmits the document in M3 truly is an extremely relaxed matter, you do not need to endure dodge save the type player slow speed. Certainly now the basic all hard disks player all supports the motion hard disk function, therefore does not need to ink too many. 20G capacity enough you saved 25 700M the Divx movie.
    The broadcast tabulates the support:
    This player not only supports iPod the immediate broadcast to tabulate, also simultaneously supports iHP the support the M3U broadcast to tabulate, it may be said integrates two merits to a body. Later the immediate broadcast will tabulate with before iAudio4 Guan Ji can vanish differently, you will be allowed to choose broadcast tabulate preserve, the design will be truly extremely intimate. This point compares similar performance formidable iHP to say, goes beyond. The author once was unable to iHP to found the immediate broadcast to tabulate the disaffection, but M3 actually very good realization. Founds the operation which the immediate broadcast tabulates extremely to be also simple, you only must choose under the browsing pattern the song add to tabulate then, moreover even if in the time which walks you the player put in the bag, still may use the liquid crystal line to control the foundation which the realization broadcast tabulates, this point compares the iPod even more human nature, even more conforms to "ot - the - go". But M3 simultaneously supports the M3U broadcast to tabulate, causes the broadcast even more at will, so long as on continually the computer uses the broadcast which player and so on winamp then in advance supposes you to like to tabulate.
    Electric power performance:
    The iAudio nominal this player broadcast time had achieved 14 hours, slightly miss to 16 hours iHP, are long to 8 hours iPod. But the majority of players nominal time all is and the actual use has the disparity, the author has also carried on two tests tests in the use to it. The author determines the result is about 9 hours 30 minutes. But this result is obtains in the under operation: 300 musics documents (the OGG document can consume electricity including 140 OGG document compared to the MP3 document), the back light establishment is 8 seconds, moreover (has by the ordinary way use chooses operation and so on song). This result although has the disparity with 14 hours, but believed if uses 128kbs the mp3 document to carry on the test, moreover the midway 无操作 is may achieve. This result in the present hard disc type player is the very good level. IHP for achieve for 16 hours the broadcast time but thickness in a big way, iPod quite thin but has sacrificed the broadcast time, but M3 can in the maintenance filament thin thickness simultaneously achieve the long time the broadcast, this result author is very satisfied. Outside but iAudio has not provided the reserve battery box for this section product which sets, otherwise the electric power performance can be better.
    Supports the FM reception and in records:
    M3 also supports the FM reception, the effect, the operation and iAudio dodges saves a kind of product to be same, the overall performance lets me quite satisfiedly, supports automatically searches for and manual searches for, the broadcasting station remembered, the basic all signals quite strong broadcasting station all can receive and the clarity in the test to be high. But iPod is does not support the FM reception, although iHP also supports FM, but M3 has point does it must be better than: Supports in FM to record, when FM reception also supports EQ, this point iHP has not provided the support. This function extremely has the help regarding the foreign language study, you will be allowed to transcribe the useful program later to do again the review, because provided has most reached as high as the 320kbs recording bit rate, therefore the clear recording effect also became possibly. Supports the global FM receive, may in Chinese, European, Japanese, South Korean, Russian, in the American six regions choose, receive frequency range between 76MHz-108MHz, also lets the use be more convenient.
    Recording function formidable:
    Similarly saw the iHP shadow in the recording aspect performance, but abandoned iPod this machine not to support recording the shortcoming. Supports in FM besides above to record, but also has the pronunciation to transcribe, line inCD straight record (as well as line the out output), high supports 320kbs, compared iHP to be short an optical fiber input to record and to output, actually in more than 1 FM recorded. The author thought in FM record compares the optical fiber sound recording to have more practical somewhat. In sets microphone performance or good, can maintain the quite clear recording effect in the quite far distance; But in front of some point once had mentioned not the convenient place was: The microphone establishes on the main engine, like this can bring the certain hard disk noise. If installs on-line controls can facilitate very many, because the main engine does not have in the screen ordinary circumstances all not to be unnecessary to put out the main engine. Moreover outside this player support has not met the microphone sound recording, this compares an insufficiency which iHP says, cannot provide the high grade recording effect. Outside the hope next generation product can establish the microphone to the line controls, and supports meets the microphone sound recording. The connection and the main engine separation design causes the player neat compact and is slender, but actually also has brought inconvenient to the sound recording, when must carry on line in sound recording must carry the interface module or the foundation to be able to realize. This point is advantageous also has the design which the shortcoming results in, how regards decided by the user.
    Supports the OGG form:
    This player support many kinds of broadcasts form, except MP3, WMA, outside WAV and ASF, but also has supported the OGG form (and iHP is completely same). The OGG form provides the very complete support, the author in the test discovered it supports highest Q10 (500KBS) the OGG document, was the OGG document has provided the comprehensive support. OGG compares the MP3 form to say can provide the better acoustic fidelity performance, the superiority is specially obvious under the low bit rate, moreover enhances along with bit rate promotion OGG MP3 must be quicker than. The support reached as high as the 500kbsOGG document also to provide approaches CD for it the acoustic fidelity performance to provide the guarantee. But because the OGG decoding uses the soft decoding, compares MP3 the hard decoding to say can consume more electric powers. The OGG document loading speed and MP3 are basically same, probably needs 2 seconds time, compares other companies the product to be a little slow.
    Other function performance:
    Except that above said the main function, the M3 other functions also extremely consummate, dodge basically save a kind of product the function all to support, like duplicate reads and so on English study function, supports the multi- countries language, many kinds of broadcasts pattern and so on, the author in the use had not discovered inconveniences place. M3 has provided 12 minutes quakeproof time, this compares iPod and the iHP nearly 25 minutes quakeproof is in the inferiority, but the difference is not big in the actual use.
    Sound effect system and feeling:
    The acoustic fidelity performance is the player soul. In said before my feeling or first to introduce this section product sound effect the establishment function.
    IAudio is the specialized audio frequency software company, the sound effect always is its strong point, but this section product has used and its newest dodges saves the series product iAudio 4 same sounds effect system ¨d¨d to be known as "the world richest sound effect": Set besides in many kinds of supposes the sound effect also to provide five sections of types User in advance from the definition sound effect and enhancement BBE, Mach3Bass, MP Enhance, 3D the Surround sound effect, in each kind set EQ was allowed the reset. Specialized BBE sound effect is it mainly sells one of. But this player 20mw + 20mw high efficiency output has also provided the guarantee.
    I used the HD25 earphone in the test to carry on try to listen, the final test result I used to describe it outstandingly! When meets the earphone, presses down broadcasts the key, I immediately the acoustic fidelity infection which is shocked by it, my all nerves all instantaneous stagnate then are led by the music. Certainly this does not remove the author individual subjective deviation. My appraisal is compares it to dodge saves the kind of product iAudio 4 acoustic fidelity to have to be much better. The 20mw + 20mw high efficiency output has provided the formidable thrust force, causes uses the HD25 big earphone time also to appear with ease is easy, dynamic appears strengthens, different sound expression discrimination also wants insightful somewhat. But with its front generation dodges saves kind of player CW300 to compare, the bass effect is better, dives lowly, dynamics must bigger somewhat. Special, listens to in the feeling in the female voice, M3 must be clearer, the picture chews a freezing the apple. "最强音 the effect" really lives up to reputation.
    M3 may adjust the sound effect scope is very broad. The BBE sound potency lets the sound sound to be clearer, in this point displays the strength and the iAudio4 not too big difference. But a more obvious difference lies in the sound localization M3 to be more accurate. Mach3Bass can enhance the bass performance effect, this is a this player sound effect main characteristic, all front generation of products performance all must be better than. MP the Enhance main role is increases and strengthens MP3 the performance strength, can play the effect to the whole sound which strengthens, in the adjustment you can discover it has very in a big way compensates the gain function, but the clarity compares iAudio 4 on the performance to have the drop, sound synchronization certainly cannot the very good realization. The 3D sound effect was uses the quite big distortion to achieve the spatial feeling effect front, although distorted compares a generation of product to have to be small, but or did not recommend the use.
    Overall, this player acoustic fidelity performance is extremely outstanding. The rich sound effect establishment causes it to suit each person, the pursue acoustic fidelity chooses this player absolutely not to be able to be wrong.


    </p>Editado por: <A HREF=>G rubert</A>* fecha: 2/4/04 11:37

  20. #70
    Gon está desconectado
    Fecha de ingreso
    11 mar, 02
    0 veces

    Predeterminado No podía faltar la broma del 1 de abril...

    Apple compra I-River
    <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol">

    Disco recomendado: Zoot Woman, "Zoot Woman".</p>

  21. #71
    Policy of truth
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 nov, 01
    9 veces

    Predeterminado Re: No podía faltar la broma del 1 de abril...

    <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol">

    joer con el 1.º de abril.



  22. #72
    recién llegado
    Fecha de ingreso
    31 mar, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Dudas(Iriver 20 gigas)

    Sigo mirando las opciones, y destaco el Iriver, sobretodo por que tiene FM, cosa que no tiene el Ipod, ni el Creative Zen, ¿o me equivoco? El precio es lo que veo demasiado elevado para mis posibilidades, y tengo la duda de la transferencia de archivos, pq. no tengo USB 2.0 ni firewire: A traves de usb 1.0 la transferencia se puede hacer? ¿es muy lenta?

    Por otro lado, soy de Alicante, y ni en Fnac ni en C.I comercializan ese modelo, y ese es otro inconveniente.

    Si hubiese algun otro modelo, con radio, interesante, tendria mas opciones.

    Un saludo!


  23. #73
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 ene, 03
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Dudas(Iriver 20 gigas)

    Lars, unas respuestas más atrás, decía que pongo el mio en venta... Sigue en venta. <img src= ALT=":agradable">



  24. #74
    Ninth Passenger Avatar de yíyel
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 ene, 03
    13 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Dudas(Iriver 20 gigas)

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>espera un poco a que salgan los de la serie 300<hr></blockquote>
    Grubert, ¿sabes de cuánto tiempo se trata, mas o menos? (tres meses, seis, un año...). Gracias.


  25. #75
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 ene, 03
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Dudas(Iriver 20 gigas)

    Conociendo al importador oficial, todavía falta. Bastante.



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