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Tema: Babylon 5 (Reboot) (Warner & The CW)

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  1. #1
    Super Moderador Avatar de repopo
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    13 nov, 03
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    Predeterminado Babylon 5 (Reboot) (Warner & The CW)

    Parece que va en serio. Y Straczynski está involucrado.

    Es más, si se mira en su twitter, está MUY involucrado. Y hay varias cosas que le leo que me emocionan. Por ejemplo... "So we will not be retelling the same story in the same way because of what Heraclitus said about the river. There would be no fun and no surprises. Better to go the way of Westworld or Battlestar Galactica where you take the original elements that are evergreens..." o "I hope to create additional new forms of storytelling that will further push the television medium to the edge of what’s possible.". Habla del apoyo que tiene detrás de parte de los de "la pasta" (CW): "Let me conclude by just saying how supportive and enthusiastic everyone at the CW has been and is being with this project. They understand the unique position Babylon 5 occupies both in television and with its legions of fans, and are doing everything they can to ensure the maximum in creative freedom"

    Suena casi demasiado bonito.
    Última edición por repopo; 28/09/2021 a las 01:40
    romita2, cinefilototal, janiji y 1 usuarios han agradecido esto.

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