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Tema: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

  1. #1

    Predeterminado Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Un autobús escolar cargado de pequeños escolares, al regresar de una excursión, atraviesa una nube de residuos tóxicos de una central nuclear cercana. Cuando el autobús no regresa, una de las madres sale en su busca, encontrándose el autobus volcado, al conductor extrañamente quemado y a los niños jugando despreocupados entre las tumbas.. la pesadilla no ha hecho más que empezar.

    Sale en EEUU de la mano de Vinegar:

    Nada de español.

    Porronazo de extras:

    Commentary #1 features director Max Kalmanowicz.

    Commentary #2 features producer/co-writer Carlton J. Albright.

    "Childhood Memories" (17:04, HD) is a joint interview with Albright and production manager David Platt, and if you thought "The Children" was an unpleasant film, just wait until you hear how it was made. This is a candid discussion of production accomplishments (Vinegar Syndrome has included a note distancing themselves from the stories shared here), with Albright taking the lead, detailing how the idea for the picture was born, where the crew was found (co-writer Edward Terry's dreams of directing were squashed by his alcoholism), and his honest opinion about Harry Manfredini's score, which the composer would eventually recycle to great acclaim for "Friday the 13th." Casting stories are interesting, highlighting how close Albright was to casting Kevin McCarthy in the lead role, and some talk of the child performers are included. Things get a little uncomfortable when topics shift to the attempted acquisition of a dead dog for one of the feature's "jokes" (one man offered to strangle a dog to help the production), and Platt openly admits a strange mid-movie appearance from a random creep in a car was actually the set's cocaine dealer. Hoo-boy. Getting back on track, Albright discusses the release and reception of "The Children," which apparently drew mile-long lines at a drive-in in Tucson when it premiered.

    "Return to Ravensback" (9:42, HD) is hosted by Michael Gingold, who walks through many of the buildings, graveyards, and forest areas used during the making of "The Children."

    "The Lost Scene" (2:42) is an audio-only discovery of a missing scene that features Sheriff Hart sharing news with a parent that their child has gone missing.

    Archival Video Interview (7:09, SD) returns to Albright, who essentially shares the same information from the other conversation, exploring the origin of "The Children" and its connections to the first "Friday the 13th." Albright is honest about the picture's performances, blaming Kalmanowicz for failure to do his job properly, and he examines how some of the special effects were achieved.

    "Memories of 'The Children'" (3:14, SD) returns to Albright, who's joined by his wife (and child wrangler) Patricia, and Gil Rogers, who shares his in-demand status at the time of production, also appearing on Broadway and television in 1979. He also laments roles lost, including a part in "Deliverance" that was eventually claimed by Burt Reynolds.

    "Making 'The Children'" (2:55, SD) continues with Albright, who permits Platt to have his moment on a couch, exploring the Edward Terry problem and recalling production origins.

    "The Children: The Musical" (11:03, SD) sits down with co-creator Stan Richardson, who shares his interest in horror and music, finding the campy delights of "The Children" perfect fodder for a basement musical production. Excerpts from the show are also included.

    A Theatrical Trailer has not been included.

    Carátula trashy en España que se aprovechaba del éxito de "Scanners".

  2. #2
    pp está desconectado
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    07 dic, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Resen, que no se te adelante Impulso

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de PadreKarras
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    16 nov, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Impulso, que no se te adelante satán media!!!

  4. #4

    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Cita Iniciado por PadreKarras Ver mensaje
    Impulso, que no se te adelante satán media!!!
    Subo la apuesta:

    Satán Media, ¡que no se te adelante Cinecom!!!!
    PadreKarras y pp han agradecido esto.

  5. #5
    Colaborador Avatar de Twist
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    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Y las frases publicitarias del poster español son igualmente aplicables tanto al argumento como a los soportes -R. Que las aprovechen.

  6. #6
    Video Home System User Avatar de Charles Lee Ra
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    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Curioso, la carátula del VHS de videoclub que yo alquilé hace ya más años de los que me atrevo a admitir, era totalmente diferente, más parecido al poster original.

    PadreKarras y Anonimo10122019 han agradecido esto.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Avatar de PadreKarras
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    16 nov, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Cita Iniciado por Mulholland Dr. Ver mensaje
    Subo la apuesta:

    Satán Media, ¡que no se te adelante Cinecom!!!!
    Cinecom, que no te coma el terrero cine cult movies!!!!

  8. #8
    The Final Frontier Avatar de Trek
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    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Lo siento, pero ninguna de ellas le quita el puesto hoy día a Impulso (en bd). En dvd reñiría y mucho con Llamentol. Cuanta mierda....
    Anonimo10122019 ha agradecido esto.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Avatar de PadreKarras
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    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Yo con Impulso no me meto, que me metí un día hace tiempo y me llamaron por teléfono para ponerme en mi sitio.

    Nunca más.

  10. #10
    The Final Frontier Avatar de Trek
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    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

  11. #11

    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Me consta qué Disney va a debutar con el 4k en España con esta película
    Nomenclatus y Anonimo10122019 han agradecido esto.

  12. #12

    Predeterminado Re: Abrazo mortal (The Children, 1980, Max Kalmanowicz)

    Cita Iniciado por diegomp Ver mensaje
    Me consta qué Disney va a debutar con el 4k en España con esta película
    Podría animarse Reel One, hacer un combo con "El pueblo de los malditos".

    Deberían ponerla en Navidad en La 1 en prime time...

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