Anchor Bay Y The Weinstein Company acaban de anunciar el blu ray de la última película de Tarantino, que saldrá a la venta en USA el 29 de marzo.

De momento, poco se sabe, salvo que la pista de audio será DTS -HD Master Audio 5.1 e incluirá un par de featurettes como extras.

Sin confirmación oficial, pero es muy, muy, pero muy posible que la edición USA esté bloqueada a Region A.

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Anchor Bay Entertainment and The Weinstein Company have announced the Blu-ray release of writer/director Quentin Tarantino's eighth film, The Hateful Eight, which stars Kurt Russell, Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Roth and Walton Goggins. The film arrives on Blu-ray on March 29th.

In The Hateful Eight, set six or eight or twelve years after the Civil War, a stagecoach hurtles through the wintry Wyoming landscape. The passengers, bounty hunter John Ruth (Kurt Russell) and his fugitive Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh), race towards the town of Red Rock where Ruth, known in those parts as "The Hangman," will bring Domergue to justice. Along the road, they encounter two strangers: Major Marquis Warren (Samuel L. Jackson), a black former union soldier turned infamous bounty hunter, and Chris Mannix (Walton Goggins), a southern renegade who claims to be the town's new Sheriff. Losing their lead on the blizzard, Ruth, Domergue, Warren and Mannix seek refuge at Minnie's Haberdashery, a stagecoach stopover on a mountain pass.

When they arrive at Minnie's, they are greeted not by the proprietor but by four unfamiliar faces. Bob (Demian Bichir), who's taking care of Minnie's while she's visiting her mother, is holed up with Oswaldo Mobray (Tim Roth), the hangman of Red Rock, cow-puncher Joe Gage (Michael Madsen), and Confederate General Sanford Smithers (Bruce Dern). As the storm overtakes the mountainside stopover, our eight travelers come to learn they may not make it to Red Rock after all...

Ultra Panavision 70 is the very rare and exceptional format that Quentin Tarantino and his team used to shoot The Hateful Eight, the widest 70mm theatrical release in twenty years. Panavision's unique anamorphic camera lenses capture images on film in an incredible aspect ratio of 2.76:1. Almost all films seen today are shot in ratios of either 1.85:1 or 2.39:1. Simply put, Ultra Panavision 70 provides an amazingly wide and more detailed image.

The Hateful Eight also marks the triumphant return to the genre for legendary composer Morricone (The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, A Fistful of Dollars). Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Score, Morricone is back in the saddle after nearly four decades since last scoring a full-length Western. Additional Academy Award nominations include 3-time Oscar winner Robert Richardson for Best Cinematography and Jennifer Jason Leigh for Best Actress in a Supporting Role.

The Blu-ray release of The Hateful Eight is presented in 1080p (at its original 2.76:1 aspect ratio) and DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround. Special features include:

  • Beyond the Eight: A Behind-the-Scenes Look
  • Sam Jackson's Guide to Glorious 70mm