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Tema: Joss Whedon

  1. #376
    Chico del futuro Avatar de Marty_McFly
    Fecha de ingreso
    26 nov, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Joss Whedon

    Cita Iniciado por Branagh/Doyle Ver mensaje
    Cosa que tampoco está nada bien, pero si, esperemos que no pasase de ahí.

    Más que hacer llorar a alguien, que puede pasar con un jefe muy exigente, es eso que cuenta de que se enorgullecía de ello y se lo tomaba a risa. Eso denota rasgos de personalidad algo extremos y bastante falta de empatía.
    Jackaluichi ha agradecido esto.
    I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.(HUGO)

  2. #377
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Joss Whedon

    Cita Iniciado por Marty_McFly Ver mensaje
    Más que hacer llorar a alguien, que puede pasar con un jefe muy exigente, es eso que cuenta de que se enorgullecía de ello y se lo tomaba a risa. Eso denota rasgos de personalidad algo extremos y bastante falta de empatía.
    Completamente de acuerdo. Mi post iba más por el lado de que ojalá que lo insinuó Trachtenberg no sea lo que estamos pensando todos...
    Última edición por Branagh/Doyle; 13/02/2021 a las 22:34
    Marty_McFly y Jackaluichi han agradecido esto.

    I read to live in other people's lives.
    I read about the joys, the world
    Dispenses to the fortunate,
    And listen for the echoes.

    I read to live, to get away from life!

    There is a flower which offers nectar at the top,
    Delicious nectar at the top and bitter poison underneath.
    The butterfly that stays too long and drinks too deep

    Is doomed to die.

    I read to fly, to skim!
    I do not read to swim!


    -Stephen Sondheim, Passion-

  3. #378
    Chico del futuro Avatar de Marty_McFly
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    26 nov, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Joss Whedon

    Sí, eso es lo que se debería aclarar por alguien, deja en el aire algo muy grave.
    Jackaluichi y Branagh/Doyle han agradecido esto.
    I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.(HUGO)

  4. #379
    Senior Member Avatar de Synch
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    21 dic, 09
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    Predeterminado Re: Joss Whedon

    Ese hombre siempre ha emitido señales de ser de la forma que, de momento, de momento, alude Molina y Carpenter. Por supuesto ahora, con el tema redes, y demás visitantes que leen el asunto, es novedad pero estas historias estaban ahí desde siempre. No explícitas pero si uno leía entre líneas... Pues sí.

    Lo del racismo (que de momento queda en una historia de terceros y cerrada sin refutar la prueba) ya no, pues de eso nunca hubo señales más allá de lo que en los 90-00 era absolutamente habitual (que no deseable etc) con casting casi 100% caucásicos, pero fichó actores negros para todas sus series (y en The Nevers* la 3a del casting, en importancia de personaje, lo es, y menuda es: Rochelle Neil), en su círculo había (y hay) dos, sin contar con que puso al frente de Agents of SHIELD a Maurissa Tancharoen, asiática. Y en el tema fémino, que ahora queda en duda, quedará para siempre una de las mayores y más rápidas promociones vista en TV a una mujer (de staff writer SIN experiencia a Executive Producer en 3 años) dándole al final las llaves de la serie en la sexta temporada. Fue tal la promoción que entonces, otra época claro, los fans pensaban que había algo raro detrás. Nada. Noxon es una crack y Whedon sólo dejó sus series (dejar = llévame el día a día de notas, casting, vigilar set y edición, que hago 3 series a la vez y no puedo con todo) a sus clones Noxon, Greenwalt y Minear.

    Pero que es un tipo peculiar, con un humor curioso, extraño a veces, muy rápido en el intercambio (él es como todos los personajes de Buffy, para que os hagáis una idea: no más de 3-4 frases en serio, ironía, doble sentido etc) y me creo perfectamente que fuera un jefe duro, que se pasó de la ralla con su forma de ser y muy probablemente de un modo cruel, ladino y posiblemente buscado el chantaje emocional.

    Para mí una pista del tema Trachtenberg es que nadie de los que han dicho algo han separado sus palabras de las de Carpenter. Han metido todo junto. Para mí que saben que ocurrió y es todo del mismo palo de lo contado por Carpenter. Porque sino, bueno, estarían casi que pasando de ella o ignorando lo que destila su comentario.

    * writers room de The Nevers:

    Última edición por Synch; 14/02/2021 a las 00:10
    dawson, Charles Lee Ra y Branagh/Doyle han agradecido esto.
    Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready
    for the big moments.No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it
    does.So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are
    gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that
    counts. That's when you find out who you are. You'll see what I mean.

    Whistler (Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 2x21 Becoming, Part One - Joss Whedon)

  5. #380
    Jaeger Avatar de dawson
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    26 may, 05
    Hawkins, Indiana
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    Predeterminado Re: Joss Whedon

    Cita Iniciado por Marty_McFly Ver mensaje
    Ahora Michelle Trachtenberg ha revelado que en el set de Buffy se estableció la regla de que Whedon no volvería a quedarse a solas con ella. Esto cada vez pinta peor.

    "The last. Comment I will make on this. Was. There was a rule. Saying. He's not allowed in a room alone with Michelle again."

    "No volvería", o sea que anteriormente lo había hecho, lo de quedarse a solas. Huy, huy, Whedon lo tiene chungo.

    Ahora también podéis seguir mis comentarios en mi blog: Mis Críticas Blog

  6. #381
    Senior Member Avatar de Synch
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    21 dic, 09
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    Predeterminado Re: Joss Whedon

    A Harry Lennix, que estuvo en las dos temporadas de Dollhouse y en Justice League, le han preguntado por el tema y también dice que él no tuvo problemas con Whedon y aporta un toque conciliador.

    ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ Actor Harry Lennix on Playing Martian Manhunter and the Joss Whedon Scandal

    The reason there’s a Snyder Cut is because Zack was replaced by Joss Whedon on the movie. As you know, Ray Fisher has alleged that Joss engaged in misconduct during the shoot. You worked with Joss on two seasons of “Dollhouse,” so I wanted to ask if you had any thoughts on the matter?

    I wasn’t there during the time in question. I am sorry that anybody had to experience what it was that was described. Obviously, there’s one side of the story that we’ve heard. I don’t know that Joss has made any comments. As you point out, I worked with Joss fairly closely for a couple of years there. I didn’t see that behavior, and at the same time, as an actor, my heart goes out to anybody that had to endure that kind of treatment. We get treated as a second-class citizens frequently. But I did not see it, and I would be curious as to what [Joss’s] response to this has been.

    I just hope everybody can move on with their lives, to be honest with you. As a former seminarian, and as somebody who has made mistakes, I’ve been on either side of that equation. Directors sometimes are insensitive to the needs or the feelings of actors, and sometimes actors are needy, and sometimes they are oversensitive. I know I can be. So that said, I hope whatever it was that happened, that people could move on, and — outside of some unforgivable thing — that people can forgive, not just each other, but forgive themselves. To say, “Look, I may have made this mistake in the past, now I know better, and I’m going to do better.” This was a different time. What was tolerable, five years ago, a year ago, is no longer, and we have to adapt to that. I think there’s some of that going on, that this is generational in some way. I know that Ray has it in himself to be better because of this, to be stronger, to have survived it. And I also hope that Joss can, too, that he can survive it, be the writer and creator that that he is and we can all be better because of it.

    You’re looking at this with more empathy than I would say many observers have in light of what Ray has alleged, and what actors on “Angel” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” alleged about Joss on Wednesday. Were you experiences with Joss purely professional?

    Yes. Utterly professional. I didn’t see any of that kind of behavior that I’m hearing about. But I’m in a different place. That kind of thing is not likely to happen to me, just cause I’m a big Black guy from the South Side of Chicago, that people are a little more circumspect in however they might think about treating me or talking to me. I think maybe we should give [Joss] another chance to respond, to see what his side of the story is. Not minimizing anybody’s story, not minimizing the experiences others had in any way. But I believe that we must learn to reconcile. And we must learn to move on.

    We wouldn’t be able to take this into a court, per se, not really. What I’ve learned over the years is that two people could be telling the absolute truth from their point of view, and disagree on what those salient points are. Whatever those salient points are, I think that everything that I have heard so far — and that’s not everything — is recoverable. And so to the extent that it’s recoverable, let’s recover from it and keep moving.

    Joss hasn’t commented, Ray hasn’t gone public with almost any details about what he says happened on “Justice League,” and WarnerMedia hasn’t revealed what the company learned in its investigation. So figuring out how to move forward is complicated in the absence of detail.

    I agree, 100%. What I’ve been able to glean from the stories and the back and forth, such as it is — mostly the forth — is that nasty things were said, mean, insensitive things were said, that made certain people uncomfortable. That’s certainly something I’m familiar with actors having to endure. Indeed, that’s part of the process. People say “no” to us for any number of reasons, or tell us to lose weight or gain it or get taller or shorter or younger. That’s just the nature of the business — it’s a personal business. I am of the opinion that this is entirely fixable, and that really what needs to happen is a dialogue. I mean, the old standard in American jurisprudence is you have a right to face your accuser and to respond. I think that people have the right to present both sides of the case. In fact, it’s not just a right, I think it’s an obligation. I wonder what’s going to happen.
    Branagh/Doyle ha agradecido esto.
    Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready
    for the big moments.No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it
    does.So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are
    gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that
    counts. That's when you find out who you are. You'll see what I mean.

    Whistler (Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 2x21 Becoming, Part One - Joss Whedon)

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