<blockquote>Quote:<hr>Paramount Pictures is switching its tentpole pictures for next year, says The Hollywood Reporter. Mission: Impossible 3, which has been plagued by director problems, is out, and War of the Worlds, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise, is in.

The studio said Wednesday that instead of beginning production on "M:I-3" this summer, as had been originally planned, Cruise will instead go directly into Spielberg's modern-day adaptation of the H.G. Wells classic about a Martian invasion of Earth. "War," which has been in development for some time, will begin filming in November for a release sometime next year.

Cruise hasn't abandoned "M:I-3," though. It will now shoot next summer, with J.J. Abrams, creator of the TV series Felicity and Alias, set to make his feature directorial debut.

Spielberg also hit a roadblock with a drama he was readying to shoot about the aftermath of the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics. With that project delayed while it undergoes a rewrite by Tony Kushner, Spielberg's schedule opened up.

David Koepp (Spider-Man, Panic Room) wrote the "War" script. Spielberg and Cruise previously teamed up for blockbuster Minority Report.<hr></blockquote>


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mi pequeño vicio</p>Editado por: <A HREF=http://p216.ezboard.com/bmundodvd43132.showUserPublicProfile?gid=woodyalle n1>woody allen1</A> fecha: 13/8/04 1:08