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Tema: Logros

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  1. #1
    adicto Avatar de Bragolo
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 may, 05
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Logros

    --firma editada por moderador por no cumplir las normas--

  2. #2
    aprendiz Avatar de Drian-kun
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 ene, 07
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    Predeterminado Re:

    Diossssss está genial JAJAJAJAJAJA. Madre mía...

    Una pena que salte algún gilipoyas a joderla :cabreo

  3. #3
    The Road Warrior Avatar de Pelanes
    Fecha de ingreso
    16 ene, 02
    2 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Logros


  4. #4
    Bayofilo Avatar de KRYCEK
    Fecha de ingreso
    07 abr, 02
    438 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Logros

    Rewarding Achievements Coming to 360?

    Rumor has it, playing Xbox games could soon net you fabulous prizes.
    by Hilary Goldstein
    January 29, 2007 - Xbox Achievements could soon net gamers true rewards. According to, next month Microsoft will introduce a rewards program to benefit both hardcore 360 players and casual gamers alike.

    The report claims that the rewards program will be free and that rewards will be tied to specific achievements. No other details were offered, but if true, this could catapult Microsoft's online offering to a level Sony and Nintendo's new consoles cannot reach. Win cool stuff just by playing games? Sounds good to us.

    Microsoft offered neither confirmation nor denial of the rewards program. "We have nothing to say about these rumors or speculation," a Microsoft spokesperson told IGN. "However, what we can tell you is that Xbox is always exploring ideas for how we can reward our loyal customers. As soon as we have anything new to share, we will definitely let you know."

    Microsoft has been a big supporter of community sites, going so far as to award bloggers with "MVP" honors. The MVPs sometimes get special invites to check out 360 games early. It's a great reward for fans. DeaconBlade 360, who founded Unscripted 360, is a bonafide MVP member and claims that it's through this status he was able to obtain this information.

    Time will prove the veracity of these claims. Even if they are untrue, the positive stir this rumor has created among the Xbox community could prove enough to encourage Microsoft to pursue a rewards program.

    Molaria unos logros con premio, entonces si tendrian mas sentido lograrlos...
    In BAY we trust

  5. #5
    Ronin Avatar de Visitor Miyamoto
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 ene, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Logros

    Bueno, entonces sí que la enfermedad de algunos se multiplicaría por 100! Está claro que no estaría nada mal, pero lo suyo sería buscar algún sistema que también diera recompensas a la gente "normal", y no sólo a los enfermos capaces de conseguir el logro de las 14 horas del Dead Rising...

  6. #6
    RedLightKing Avatar de DVDiano
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 ene, 03
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Logros

    Enfermos? 14 horas? Quién? Dónde? :mmmh :burn

  7. #7
    パウ様 Avatar de zervantes
    Fecha de ingreso
    30 jul, 03
    7 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Logros

    El del GOW de matar 10.000 enemigos en partidas Ranked también tiene su tela...... Si ya cuesta matar a 100 con cualquiera de las armas....

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