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Tema: Batman Arkham City

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    23 abr, 08
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    Predeterminado Batman Arkham City

    Desarrollo: Rocksteady
    Producción: Square Enix
    Distribución: Square Enix


    Desarrollado por el equipo de la primera parte, Rocksteady Studios, el juego no parece transcurrir en el mismo hospital psiquiátrico de criminales, Arkham Asylum, y en su lugar la acción podría trasladarse a las propias calles de la ciudad, Gotham. Joker y Harley Quinn confirman su reaparición en el vídeo, y la página oficial parece insinuar que Dos Caras será uno de los villanos.

    Martin Tremblay, de Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, ha dicho que "queremos construir una franquicia global de juegos a partir de Batman: Arkham Asylum, que ha recibido una increíble respuesta de los jugadores y seguidores de Batman. Rocksteady ha llevado a Batman a un nuevo nivel en el espacio de los videojuegos y estamos confiados en ofrecer una secuela a los fans que les encantará."

    Por su parte, Sefton Hill de Rocksteady Studios, dice que "la oportunidad de crear Batman: Arkham Asylum y su secuela y ver su éxito ha sido un sueño hecho realidad para el equipo. Estamos honrados de crear el próximo capítulo en esta historia y prometer desarrollar otro juego digno del Caballero Oscuro.

    Mr. Freeze, Talia al Ghul to appear in Arkham Asylum 2

    Two-Face not enough for you, Batman? How about some Mr. Freeze and your lovely honey Talia al Ghul?

    Both may be coming to Arkham Asylum 2 if a report over on Gaming Target is on the money.

    According to the site, Maurice LaMarche, also known as The Brain from the “Pinky and the Brain”, is set to voice Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze.

    This is according to LaMarche himself, who revealed his part during a interview with GeekCast Radio Network.

    “Videogames is hard work, I’ll say that,” said LaMarche. “I’ve only done a handful, and I’m very lucky right now, I’m about to go in and do Mr. Freeze for Arkham Asylum 2.

    “He’s out for blood right now because, err… I can’t tell you the situation, but he’s actually somewhat a sympathetic character within the framework of the game.”

    As if that was not enough Batman goodness for you, according to a couple Twitter posts by actress Stana Katic, she’s the voice of Talia Head/Talia al Ghul in the game.

    “Just recorded a character voice on the next Batman video game”, she tweeted. “Never did that before. Helpful hint: plenty of water and pineapple slices” …..For those who were asking: I’m voicing Talia al Ghul, the daughter of Ra al Ghul (played by Liam Neeson in “Batman Begins”).”

    Both tweets have been deleted.

    Warner’s confirmed it’s to publish the Batman: Arkham Asylum 2, not Square Enix Europe, which was announced during the VGAs.

    No date yet.

    Arkham Asylum 2 to miss 2010 release

    A UK retailer has said that Warner may hold off on releasing Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 this year, and instead aim for 2011.

    The news comes from an source close to CVG.

    “We’ve been told that Warner has acted early to avoid releasing the game into a heavily congested pre-Christmas market,” said the retailer.

    “It wants to dominate the first quarter of 2011 instead, when it can get maximum retail space and mind share amongst gamers.”

    Warner, however, has said that it has yet to even announce a date for the game.

    “We haven’t announced a release date for the sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum yet,” responded a Warner rep to the source’s claim.

    Loads of rumors pertaining to the game have been flying about the place this week, which is not unusual for the months leading up to E3.

    Some rumors claim Mr. Freeze will be in the game, and then there’s the one about DLC for the first game, due to Rocksteady hiring for someone experienced in such matters.

    Two-Face is said to be in AA2 as well, along with “a lot” of other villains.

    More through the links.



    Última edición por Predator_Wolf; 03/03/2011 a las 08:53

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