GDC 2007: Phil Harrison, Sony, Unveil 'Home'
PlayStation Network grows up, moves out, gets an apartment.

Last week's reports on Sony's potential 'Home' service either generated even more hype for Phil Harrison's Game Developer Conference keynote or stole the thunder from Sony's big unveiling. Maybe it did both, and considering what Sony showed with 'Home' -- that may not be a bad thing.

Home is officially being branded as a "3D user community for PlayStation 3" by Sony, but it's also being called an "innovative user community title," effectively blurring the line between "service" and "game." The two-pronged approach to marketing this product may show some confusion as to what home is. That's a question Sony won't be able to answer until this Fall, when PlayStation 3 owners will get their hands on the final free download (the experience enters beta next month).

So, what is 'Home?'It's difficult-to-describe nature places it firmly where Sony wants it -- as the videogame successor to web 2.0 technology. Taking cues from existing MMO, Second Life 'Home' is an extremely customizable user interface that combines form and function into a single elegant package that may ultimately serve as an interface-based foil to Microsoft's Xbox Live.
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En teoría Home es parte de la respuesta de Sony a Live y los Miis de Nintendo, un mundo 3D donde tener tu alter-ego virtual y relacionarte con la gente. La verdad es que en principio pinta bastante bien y si lo montan bien puede salir algo realmente interesante.

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