Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - New Images

Soak it in people... You are looking at the new face of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. This image was posted earlier today from Brian Dunn, Product Marketing Specialist at Capcom, over at the official Capcom BBS. From Brian's original post, this image is what the game is going to look like if you would pause the game and strip away the background. This is no mock up. This is the real deal.

I am incredibly impressed with the detail in this work. Udon was dead serious when they claimed that they were going to be able to recreate their vision of the Street Fighter universe of the comics for this game. According to Mr. Dunn, a new blog is going to be started today that is going to be centered around all of the downloadable titles being released by Capcom in the near future. Though this is just one small image, we are being promised consistent updates on the progress of the development of the four games (SSF2TR, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Talisman, and Rocketmen) announced at the Capcom Gamer's Day over the course of the next few months. Considering that Mr. Dunn was in charge of the Lost Planet blog which was regularly updated with great tidbits of developer's notes, I have no doubt that Capcom is going to deliver on their promises here.
