Ok, to anybody with a MS wheel, you need to know about an extreme softwre bug that can ruin your hdtv. I just got off of the phone after 1 hour, by the way two supervisors hung up on me because they are nubs, and i recieved no help and was told that i was out $700. Anyways this is the bug: enable auto shutdown for your console (i have it enabled anyway), plug in the wheel so you have force feedback, pop in a game and leave your console alone for the amount of time it takes to auto shutdown. Come back to your tv and you will notice, GASP!!!, your console will not have shut down, and because your console did not shut down you will notice that if you hit the guide button on the wheel the wheel has turned to battery power. The software bug is the wheel shuts off the power input but the battery automatically kicks in and because the wheel is a wheel it sends a continuous signal to the xbox 360 and because a continuous signal is sent, your xbox will not auto shutdown and you will get picture burn-in. Yes i know, it is a sad day to come back to your 360 only to realize that the RATC menu from PGR3 is forever burned onto your screen. Luckily for me after i was done panicking a realized that i had a burn-in remover thing on my tv, boo ya, however, this does not mean that this issue should go unnoticed. I expect MS to release a software update ASAP.
Fuente: foros de maxconsole.

Para los no anglofilos:

Viene a decir q al enchufar el volante a la consola para tener el full force feedback se desactiva la opcion de auto apagado de la consola y esta se queda encendida siempre y como consecuencia de esto se te puede quemar la imagen de los marcadores del PGR3 en la pantalla.

Es un bug vale, pero hay q ser muy gilipollas para dejar la consola y el LCD siempre encendidos y confiar en el auto apagado. Darle al boton de off no cuesta nada.