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Tema: Batman Begins

  1. #476
    Aleccionando Avatar de Sargento McKamikaze
    Fecha de ingreso
    01 ene, 02
    16 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Jaaarl! mas fotos

    He oído que quizás la tengan preparada para la Berlinale. Para quien no lo sepa decir que este año el director del festival es... Roland Emmerich <img src= ALT=":freak"> <img src= ALT=":freak">

    A saber...

    <div style="text-align:center">¿Quieren una predicción del invierno? Yo se la daré. Va a ser frío, va a ser gris... y va a durar el resto de sus vidas.</div></p>

  2. #477
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 ago, 02
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Jaaarl! mas fotos

    Atencion al cutre wallpaper. Sobre todo a los dos villanos de la derecha.

    </p>Editado por: <A HREF= o>ferdipollo</A> fecha: 18/1/05 10:02

  3. #478
    Save Us????? Avatar de chinocudeiro
    Fecha de ingreso
    10 dic, 02
    166 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Jaaarl! mas fotos

    Se ha colado Kung Fu en ese wallpaper

    Reapertura del Blog (17/01)</p>

  4. #479
    Only one shot Avatar de the deer hunter
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 nov, 02
    12 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Jaaarl! mas fotos

    On-Set Interview: Gary Oldman"Batman Begins"
    As police Lieutenant James Gordon, actor Gary Oldman is perfectly cast. It feels as though his role in this film fits nicely between incredible character performances is THE CONTENDER, JFK and MURDER IN THE FIRST and his more mainstream work in AIR FORCE ONE, LOST IN SPACE and more recently HARRY POTTER.

    The first question obviously, is why Batman? "I have to say, I'm not a comic reader. I never read comics as a kid. Chris Nolan really. What he might do with it and the opportunity for someone like Chris to put to Batman franchise back on track really. To pull it back from where no man had gone before."

    Oldman agrees that after previous films, this seemed a very interesting choice for Christopher Nolan. "It is a surprise that he'd wanted to do something on this scale. My sources tell me that he really wanted to do this, and really courted it and went after it with a great passion. I don't know if you direct MEMENTO and INSOMNIA, you just get [given] BATMAN, I don't think they just come knocking. I think you really have top have a vision for something like this and go after it. But I think it is surprising and that'll make it interesting...hopefully."

    There were of course different challenges for Oldman here, as he was not the first actor to portray James Gordon. "No-one had been Sirius Black, so it was there for me to create it, and y'know hopefully make it wholly original". Usually this character has been played by an older, and let's face it, fatter actor. As Oldman laughs at the thought, he shrugs "He had to start somewhere."

    "I was surprised, cos I went online and there's an enormous amount of stuff written. I was amazed at how detailed the bio is on Gordon. So I kind of went there, and then you're pretty much working to the script. I mean, in a way its like any script, you have to stay within the framework of what is there. He's pretty much there on the page".

    Taking the role at face value, Gary tried to keep it simple "This is Lt. Gordon in Chris Nolan's BATMAN, and that's my map. That's the road map I take so doing a great deal of work outside of that to an extent is kind of redundant because there's only so much that you can draw from that and apply it to what is on the page. Ultimately I'm playing Gordon in 'BATMAN BEGINS'".

    The characters of Batman and Gordon have a very interesting relationship and chemistry is important if they are to be portrayed believably on screen. Oldman commented on this on screen partnership "We didn't have a great deal of rehearsal or any time to cement it. Christian and I luckily hit it off and we enjoy working with one another and like one another so that's primarily what we've taken and used and tried to infuse the script with. We enjoy one another's company and hopefully that will translate and come through."

    When he discusses what we had previously seen on the live feed from the set, Oldman explains how difficult it is to act in these types of films. "This morning was hard because it felt a little cardboard, a little cartoonish, comic book, but that's our source material, and were in a world y'know [where a] batmobile pulls up and out jumps a guy with a cowl and a big black cape and I'm taking it seriously."

    He says the role is surprisingly non physical. "It's just a lot of questions (adopts Lt. Gordon persona) 'Why did you want to do that? When are they gonna do it? How do you know? Really? God, that's interesting. Do you think we'll do it in time?' (laughs) I catch keys, catch a few bad guys. I mean it's been quite a challenge. It's nice to be a good guy for a change y'know? I'd normally be the guy that Batman's after so it's nice to be.....I'm Batman's buddy in this (laughs)"

    Oldman even lets slip that Gordon has a chance to do something that characters in this series don't usually get, to drive the batmobile. "Only with the green screen, but I think I'm one of the few characters [who gets to drive it] so it's a coup to be able to drive the batmobile. They may let me take one home.

    la colección
    Ultimas adquisiciones:
    -El beso de la pantera
    -El último mohicano
    -Slayer:still reigning
    -David Bowie:a reality tour
    -Iron Maiden:the early years
    -This is Spinal tap EE(Z1USA)

    Michael:One shot.that's what it's all about.One shot.(The Deer Hunter (1978))
    Soy Steve jones,el conde del funk,el duque del cool,el ayatolah del rock&roll(El sargento de hierro(1986))

    mis 20 favoritas</p>Editado por: <A HREF= nter@mundodvd43132>the deer hunter</A> fecha: 19/1/05 14:23

  5. #480
    Only one shot Avatar de the deer hunter
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 nov, 02
    12 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Jaaarl! mas fotos

    On-Set Interview: Christian Bale"Batman Begins"
    Christian Bale enters the room. Looking far removed from his decimated character in THE MACHINIST (Bale famously lost 60lbs for his role in that film - approx 1/3 of his body weight) he is an imposing figure even out of costume. But what drew Christian to play the Dark Knight?.

    "I'm not somebody that comes from a real comic book-loving background" he says. "When I was thinking about Batman....I was thinking Why? Why would he dress like this? This is ridiculous! Either it has to be done like a spoof, like the tv series was, or else to me it had to go somewhere else we haven't seen before. When I put everything on, it made me feel like a creature, and I didn't feel 'human' anymore." Bale said that he has read a few comics ('Arkham Asylum', 'Batman: Year One' and 'The Long Halloween') and they interested him even more in the character of Bruce Wayne. Although he had always heard that the villains were the most interesting characters in the Batman universe, Christian always felt that Bruce Wayne/Batman are by far the most interesting and challenging.

    "In our story, it's the early days. So you do see him has a very young boy. And then you see him at age 22. And then you see him again age 29-30. And for me it was, there was never any intention of this from a young age whatsoever. He was very much bent on enacting revenge. Of maintaining the promise he makes to his parents, but specifically I think that he kind of thought of it as a short term deal. Something that he would be able to complete. So at a young age, initially he wanted to just take revenge on the person that killed his parents, and that doesn't go to plan and he has no other life really. He's been kind of happy to be sent away, and so he hasn't really planned anything whatsoever. In this story he disappears off on a journey. My take is that he never comprehends that this is going to be an ongoing thing. That he believes '[OK] I can do this once, and then I can kinda get on with my life' and then it ends up consuming him and sucking him in. Not being something that he can avoid doing, and not really being the healthiest of endeavors "

    So how about those weight issues? Bale responds, "I finished THE MACHINIST in July, and then we started filming on this at the end of February. But yeah I did have a lot of work to do just because it's one of those parts were you have to be in decent shape for it visually but also I did need to be for what we were filming. Just dealing with being in the suit for 12 hours a day! Y'know, just eating like crazy, just trying to put on pounds and pounds and pounds. And I actually went way overboard. By the time I arrived in England, Chris kind of looked at me in shock and went 'God, you're like some grizzly bear' cos I arrived with long hair and a beard and stuff and I was like, filling up the hallway. By that time I had put on exactly a hundred pounds from the day of finishing THE MACHINIST to arriving in January in England and it was not very healthy. It was not a healthy way to go. I could lift a lot of weights, but you ask me to run across the room and I would've been exhausted. So when I got here, that's when I had to really start leaning up and doing a lot of running and all that stuff and brought my weight right back down again."

    Was Christian allowed to fulfill every boy's fantasy of performing his own stunts, as Batman no less?? "I gotta tell you" he says, "I was up for doing a lot more stunts than they would ever let me do, and there are exceptional stuntmen here as well, that are obviously doing stuff that I could never do. We did a lot of wirework rehearsals before we started filming, and I think however, they got a bit of cold feet after the stuntman one day came down on the wire and just landed straight on his face. And so I think, at that point, they thought, 'Ah, let's rethink just how much we're going to let Christian do this'. So with all the enthusiasm in the world, I haven't actually done everything that I can do and that I learned to do in rehearsals. However.....Buster, the stuntman actually introduced us to this really great fighting style called Keysi, which has a very unique look to it. It's a very brutal fighting style and it fits really well with the batsuit, and particularly with the ears and everything, just the way it goes. And it's very savage, very fierce, and I had to learn that. We have a lot of different fight sequences. I did learn every single fight sequence that's in the movie. I kind of tag-teamed with Buster, but I did have to do the whole thing. There's nothing that I sat back and went 'I'll be back there having coffee'. And then a couple of times where I did manage to convince them to let me jump off a roof. They didn't let me jump that high, but it was something. We were in Chicago outside and we were like six stories high and they let me jump off one roof just onto the next one down, but y'know it kinda looks like I'm doing a real high dive" he laughs.

    Also due for an reworking with the new film was the 'batsuit' itself. We spent some in the Costume FX shop and got to see exactly what is involved when an actor dons the cape and cowl. Costume designer Day Murch has worked on all previous batsuits and as we meet him he jokes that "the challenge this time was to meet Christopher Nolan's vision of how he could re-animate the series, principally to clear everyone's memory of the last one we made".

    Whilst it seemed Adam West simply put on some tights and wore a cape and mask, this costume is complicated to say the least. Everything in this costume has a reason for being there, and there is a tangible explanation for every piece of equipment from the utility belt to the winged gloves. Christopher Nolan told designers that he wanted a matte suit this time. As Murch explains "I didn't know what he was talking about. But it makes sense to me now. [If you're] going out at night to fight crime, you don't want to wear something shiny with a big yellow blob on it. So this guy is a human stealth machine." The cape itself was made of specially developed material, which is a combination of fabric and is essentially 'stealth material'. Over 900 square metres of fabric was 'electro statically flocked' taking advantage of a Ministry of Defense-approved process used when minimum night vision detection is required." Basically as Murch explains, "they put this on things when to stop vision machines seeing them when it's dark". The cape now, really moves like it does in the comics, and has really become a character itself in this film.

    How did Bale feel about the arduous task of getting in and out of costume? Day Murch says " I have enormous respect for Christian, he's a nice guy, he's a fine actor and he takes on the challenges we've given him in an exciting way and he doesn't make it a problem". Bale says "I'm not going to bitch about the suit. There's a quote from me that some of the people have on the back of their t-shirts that says 'It's hot, dark and sweaty and it give's me a headache', which is absolutely true, but there's nothing more annoying than hearing actors bitch about their work and stuff like that." Bale sums it up for all of us when he says, "Y'know, I'm playing Batman for gods sake. That's pretty fantastic. I'm not gonna complain about getting a little bit sweaty in the suit." The costume department has apparently made quite a few amendments to the suit over the course of the film series to make it more comfortable. "I like to think during the course of making the movie we've improved the suit we offered him to start with, given him something you know, decent to wear" says Murch "We've reduced the weight of the suit by a quarter of the very first suit we ever made." (mostly down to the lighter cape). The suit even has 'plumbing' which means that cold water can be pumped into it, which helps keep the actor inside cool with a minimum amount of fuss.

    "Mr. Nolan had [some] major requirements with regards to the suit, one of them was the cape situation. And the other one was the dear old 'Bat turn'. This refers to the lack of movement usually allowed in the neck of the batsuit, causing the actor to turn his head from the shoulders up. "Now some of you love that, but you have to admit it's someone coming to terms with what is in fact a malfunction of costume practice." So thanks to innovations in costume design, our 2005 caped crusader will be much more flexible and move more freely. Murch continues: "They were adamant that this was an action movie and it's story based and we had to give the director what he wanted and I think it's very important to give the actor a vocabulary he can work with. An awfully long time has past since the last Batman movie alone. Technology, working practice, the materials available to us have changed, the things that guys like to see when they go to the cinema they've changed. Whatever your particular allegiance is to whichever Batman you particularly like, you have to admit that any Batman that comes along now is going to be judged alongside a 'Spider-man' who's leaps ahead of things we could do a short while ago."

    Describing his initial feeling when he donned the costume for the very first time, Bale says "It was great, it was a great feeling. We'd done a couple of camera tests beforehand, but it wasn't the whole way. It was kinda just 'Stand there. Turn around' and everything, and inevitably after 6 months of being in it, you kinda get used to it. But I did, I felt like a panther the first day. You know I did feel like some kind of wild animal, I don't know if anybody else was looking at me [in] that way. I don't know if I appeared quite as ferocious as I felt that I did, but I really felt like everybody was kinda looking like 'oooh' (Laughs). And it does, it makes you feel like you want to kind of run and jump at people, and beat the crap out of them. And it just gives you this great neck and this physique that just looks intimidating. It's all kind of aggressive, it's all pointed forward, it's very much like a predator. And that was a thrill, doing that."

    Bale found that his voice seemed to change into the character of Batman, once he was in the suit. "For me, I just felt that it was practical hat Bruce adopt a different voice when he's in the batsuit. I just mean practical in terms of identity. But that also it was kind of, I just saw it as a way of him being able to channel the clarity of mind that he must have had as a young boy when he first declared that he would get revenge. It's very difficult to maintain that throughout your life. It becomes a memory and it takes a great deal of energy to maintain that sharpness of emotion. So I just felt that everything about him should become different. The look, the voice and also so that he's able to have his own life somewhat. Because it seemed to me that if he was just going to be Bruce Wayne in a batsuit, first of all that seemed a little bit ridiculous to me. It would have been as ridiculous as any of us getting in a batsuit and genuinely thinking we could go out on the town and intimidate people. I think most people would probably laugh y'know? So you have to kind of really go for it in everyway. And for me that kind of involved taking on a slightly 'beastlike' voice as I hear it."

    When asked how he felt about the pressures from the fans, particularly the online community, in bringing this character to the screen again, Bale seems reluctant to allow himself to worry too much. "I think probably it's beyond anything that I've experienced before, but I don't really want to know about it to be honest.....I purposely try to keep that out of my head". Finally, we asked Bale what he does to unwind at the end of the day spent playing such a dark character. His response will bring a smile to any superhero fan, "I go out and kick the s**t out of criminals.

    la colección
    Ultimas adquisiciones:
    -El beso de la pantera
    -El último mohicano
    -Slayer:still reigning
    -David Bowie:a reality tour
    -Iron Maiden:the early years
    -This is Spinal tap EE(Z1USA)

    Michael:One shot.that's what it's all about.One shot.(The Deer Hunter (1978))
    Soy Steve jones,el conde del funk,el duque del cool,el ayatolah del rock&roll(El sargento de hierro(1986))

    mis 20 favoritas</p>

  6. #481
    Fecha de ingreso
    21 nov, 02
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Murcielago-man

    Yes! <img src= ALT=":hola">


  7. #482
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 oct, 03
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Murcielago-man

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Moshimo shiritana omaharita hipoeta ta yohi mohirihi shoha nimapaturape teraru, ioshi shororo shororo shororo shororo shororo shorori op Güatanegui gonso iupigare iupigare tiniguini ganara UPE, UPE uataneguigonso timidoshi napueri Nolan hiowatmen Kartufen naer Batman jueriao jetum ijercim sopapo Bale Wataguinegui Guarana, Si tu querer bailar, Sopa de caracol.<hr></blockquote>


    <div style="text-align:center"></div>
    <span style="color:red;font-size:medium;"><div style="text-align:center">FELICES FIESTAS</div></span>

  8. #483
    Babilonio Avatar de Adamantibus
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    04 abr, 03
    5 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Murcielago-man

    <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol">

    <hr /><div style="text-align:center"></div></p>

  9. #484
    Aleccionando Avatar de Sargento McKamikaze
    Fecha de ingreso
    01 ene, 02
    16 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Murcielago-man

    Feliz Navidad, eh <img src= ALT=":D">

    <div style="text-align:center">¿Quieren una predicción del invierno? Yo se la daré. Va a ser frío, va a ser gris... y va a durar el resto de sus vidas.</div></p>

  10. #485
    Senior Member Avatar de woody allen
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    30 may, 03
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    Predeterminado Re: Murcielago-man

    <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":palmas"> <img src= ALT=":palmas"> <img src= ALT=":palmas"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol">

    un saludo
    <hr />
    <div style="text-align:center"></div>
    <div style="text-align:center">mis dvdeses</div><div style="text-align:center">ladrones, timadores y estafadores? -> sgae</div></p>

  11. #486
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 ago, 02
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Action Figures


  12. #487
    Fecha de ingreso
    31 ene, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Action Figures

    Joder, Batman lleva mocasines!!! (y el espantapájaros nauticos)

    <img src= ALT=":D">


  13. #488
    sabio Avatar de latrescuatro
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    31 jul, 03
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    Predeterminado Re: Action Figures

    Ese no es el espantapajaros es el hijo de Swamp Thing y de una calabaza.


    Todos los hombres son mortales. Sócrates era mortal. Por lo tanto todos los hombres son Sócrates, lo que significa que todos los hombres son homosexuales. (Woody Allen)</p>

  14. #489
    Senior Member Avatar de woody allen
    Fecha de ingreso
    30 may, 03
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    Predeterminado Re: ¡Qué ilusión! Otra vez el hombre murcielago

    Por cierto que me acabo de acordar.

    El otro dia con un largo domingo de noviazgo me pusieron el trailer de esta peli que en pantalla grande no lo habia visto y solo decir que ...<img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas"> <img src= ALT=":babas">
    Desde luego tiene pinta de estar muy muy bien

    un saludo
    <hr />
    <div style="text-align:center"></div>
    <div style="text-align:center">mis dvdeses</div><div style="text-align:center">ladrones, timadores y estafadores? -> sgae</div></p>

  15. #490
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 ago, 02
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: ¡Qué ilusión! Otra vez el hombre murcielago

  16. #491
    Aleccionando Avatar de Sargento McKamikaze
    Fecha de ingreso
    01 ene, 02
    16 veces

    Predeterminado Re: ¡Qué ilusión! Otra vez el hombre murcielago

    No es ni un minuto y ya se me encogen las pelotillas.

    <div style="text-align:center">En las almas de las personas las uvas de la ira maduran y se vuelven pesadas, cogiendo peso, listas para la vendimia.</div></p>

  17. #492
    Space Pirate Captain Avatar de HarlockBCN
    Fecha de ingreso
    04 dic, 04
    2591 veces

    Predeterminado Brutal

    A ver si los no convencidos aún siguen pensando que va a ser más de lo mismo.
    Batman restart rules! Eterna la espera hasta Junio (cruzemos los dedos que sea estreno mundial).


  18. #493
    Fecha de ingreso
    23 ago, 02
    0 veces

    Predeterminado .

    No sé si sabeis que el guión circula por ahí para bajárselo. No es el borrador de rodaje, pero es verdadero porque concuerda con todos los trailers.

    A mí la verdad, me ha dejado un poco frío, después del entusiasmo general por director y actores. Y es que el Goyer es un chapuza, porque ni la trilogía de Blade, que a mí no me gusta nada, ni Dark city que si me gusta, brilla por la calidad de sus guiones precisamente. Está lleno de "frasecitas" típicas de basurilla comercial.
    Lo mejor es la relación con Alfred y los diálogos entre Wayne y Lucious Fox.

    Espero que la dirección de Nolan sea capaz de trascender lo convencional del guión, porque después de Los increibles y Spiderman-2 tiene el listón altísimo.


  19. #494
    Space Pirate Captain Avatar de HarlockBCN
    Fecha de ingreso
    04 dic, 04
    2591 veces

    Predeterminado Re: .

    Lo que circula por ahi es un borrador "first draft". Y el guión no se completó hasta que Nolan le echó mano encima. Digamos que lo que circula es un primer borrador del Goyer sin ser revisado por Nolan.


  20. #495
    Fecha de ingreso
    04 ago, 02
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: .

    Peaso de spot muy guapo la verdad es que la cosa va mejorando mucho, muchas esperanzas en el señor Nolan.

    El mundo cambia, nosotros no..... Antonio Banderas. Entrevista con el vampiro</p>

  21. #496
    Only one shot Avatar de the deer hunter
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 nov, 02
    12 veces

    Predeterminado Re: .

    la colección
    Ultimas adquisiciones:
    -Hellboy director's cut
    -Erase una vez en America EE
    -El gran dictador
    -Atrapado en el tiempo

    Michael:One shot.that's what it's all about.One shot.(The Deer Hunter (1978))
    Max Renn:¡¡Larga vida a la nueva carne¡¡(Videodrome(1983))
    I only believe in sex and Judas Priest

    mis 20 favoritas


  22. #497
    Only one shot Avatar de the deer hunter
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 nov, 02
    12 veces

    Predeterminado Re: .

    Comentarios de Bale en world of KJ:
    Bale said that the reason they're doing this movie is because they understand the frustration of the fans never getting a satisfying Batman movie. That is the reason that this movie is not a sequel or a prequel. it's a reinvention, something purely made for the hardcore fans who've been waiting all these years for a Batman movie and never gotten one. Bale's aim is for the most loyal Batman fan to come out of the theater satisfied, and for the general public to come out surprised and educated at how deep and great this character is. Bale called Batman an "American Mythology". Another huge round of applause.
    Bale made an interesting theory, saying that Batman really wants to kill, but has to constantly hold himself back. "Because Batman NEVER kills!" I love how he said it in that tone as if he's trying to mock the Burton movies.
    Bale revealed that he just signed a contract to do 2 MORE SEQUELS!!!!! WHAAAAA HOO! He said that Christopher Nolan didn't though. But it doesn't mean that he won't. It's just not confirmed yet with him. Nolan wants to see how this one turns out first.

    la colección
    Ultimas adquisiciones:
    -Hellboy director's cut
    -Erase una vez en America EE
    -El gran dictador
    -Atrapado en el tiempo

    Michael:One shot.that's what it's all about.One shot.(The Deer Hunter (1978))
    Max Renn:¡¡Larga vida a la nueva carne¡¡(Videodrome(1983))
    Patrick Bateman:Voy a devolver unos videos(American Psycho(2000))

    mis 20 favoritas


  23. #498
    Space Pirate Captain Avatar de HarlockBCN
    Fecha de ingreso
    04 dic, 04
    2591 veces

    Predeterminado Más de la World of KJ: Footage de 6 minutos

    Esto promete mucho, Bale parece que borda al personaje. Después de la entrevista se mostró un clip de 6 minutos con varias escenas de la película. Aquí hay un resumen de lo que se vió.
    Atención, contiene SPOILERS sobre varios momentos de la película.



    - The clip opens with young Bruce Wayne and Rachel running around in Wayne Manor's garden, playing. I was stunned at the look of the cinematography. It's grainy, bleached and washed out... looking almost like a foreign art picture. It's really amazing. Anyways, they're playing hide and seek and Bruce falls into an old well.

    - Young Bruce discovers a cave. Thousands of bats attack him. A voice calls out "Don't be scared, Bruce." It's his father, descending down the well on a rope. Bruce reaches up for his hand.

    - Thomas Wayne tucks little Bruce in, telling him that he should not be afraid, that he should be brave.

    - The Wayne family are watching an opera. There are bat-like people dancing onstage, and this reminds Bruce of the bat attack. Bruce gets scared and begs to leave. His parents get embarrassed.

    - They're walking outside the theater. Thomas is lecturing Bruce on being brave. Suddenly a mugger with a gun appears and asks Martha Wayne to give him her jewelry. Martha refuses and the mugger shoots at her. Things get blurry as if there's a struggle. Thomas shields Martha with his own body and gets shot. Bruce falls into a shock. Shaky cam close up the gun going off again. This is the part where I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. The scene was played really intensely, and really really horrific, almost something out of a gangster picture.

    - The theme from "Requiem For A Dream" starts to play during the funeral scene. Alfred (MICHAEL CAINE!) stands over Bruce, comforting him. Richard Earle (RUTGER HAUER!) comes up to Bruce and says that he'll keep the company safe until Bruce is old enough to take over.

    - Back at the Manor, Bruce is crying. "I miss them, Alfred. I miss them so much." Alfred hugs the crying boy. Michael Caine then delivers a heartbreaking "I miss them too, Master Bruce..."

    - Fade to black. A speech from mob boss Carmine Falcone (TOM WILKINSON!) starts. It's absolutely FANTASTIC. The speech was good, but I'm talking about Wilkinson's delivery. The screen fades in to Falcone and a ragged looking old Bruce Wayne having a conversation in a seedy looking bar. Bruce just listens as Falcone lectures and insults him. "You're the Prince of Gotham. You're a rich pretty boy, don't come in here acting like you know things. You travel 1000 miles just to meet people who don't recognize you!"

    - As he was saying that, it fades to Bruce climbing the Tibet mountains. He discovers a temple and enters. Ra's Al Ghul (KEN WATANABE!) sits on a throne in front of him. Ra's speaks to Bruce in some foreign language. Henri Ducard (LIAM NEESON!) steps out of the shadows to translate. A gang of NINJAS surround them. "What are you looking for?" asks Ducard. Bruce answers "The need for justice." (I think)... Ducard then suddenly attacks Bruce. They trade elbows brutally. This keysi stuff is cool. Ducard beats Bruce down.

    - Ducard and Bruce are swordfighting on ice. "Your parent's death was not your fault!" Ducard exclaims. Then he beats Bruce. "It was your father's." This got Bruce mad. Bruce retaliates and beats Ducard. "Yield."

    - Bruce is in a ceremony in the temple. Ducard asks him... "Are you ready to begin?"

    - Montage of Bruce putting together the Batman costume and putting it on.

    - Shot of Batman standing on a rooftop, watching over the city below. His cape blowing in the wind.

    - Jonathan Crane (CILLIAN MURPHY!) looking really scared and hiding next to a crate. "He's heeeeeere..." An off screen person asks, "Who?" Crane, terrified, responds... "The Batmaaaan!"

    - Shot of Batman walking down a hallway with thousands of BATS following him.

    - Shot of Batman jumping down the middle of a staircase.

    - Various shots of Batman firing his grappling hook and swinging around.

    - Ra's Al Ghul is in a high rise apartment, looking over the Gotham skyline. He delivers his bad guy speech, then smiles wickedly and says "Gotham city must burn to the ground."

    - Shot of Wayne Manor burning.

    - Quick shots of various action scenes: Batman fighting, Batman swinging around, Gordon looking worried, Monorail cars disengaging, The Batmobile making what seems to be a 30 feet jump, GCPD cars crashing and flying around in the air during a car chase, Monorail getting derailed and smashing into buildings, Batman crashing into things, Batman looking at the camera intently...


    - Batman is standing on a rooftop looking down. He jumps down and expands his cape into a glider. He glides through a haze of orange smoke. Batman lands on what seems to be the roof of a construction site or a burned down building. Darkness is around him. Batman looks around... out of the darkness a voice calls out "Boo!". SCARECROW steps out of the darkness and douses a cup of gasoline onto Batman's face. As Batman tries to wipe his eyes, Scarecrow flicks on a lighter (SEE AVATAR) and lights Batman on fire. Scarecrow then kicks Batman out of a window. Batman, with his cape and cowl abalze, falls down the side of the building to his apparent death.

    </p>Editado por: <A HREF= n>HarlockBCN</A> fecha: 23/2/05 15:19

  24. #499
    Fecha de ingreso
    04 ene, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Más de la World of KJ: Footage de 6 minutos

    Sera que me encantan las dos Batman de Burton y tengo asociado al personaje con ese aspecto y con esa atmosfera pero esas imagenes me parecen lo menos Batmanesco que he visto.

    Aun asi, estoy seguro de que sera una buena pelicula. Pero no el Batman que quiero ver.


  25. #500
    Modus Operandi Avatar de huzo2
    Fecha de ingreso
    27 nov, 02
    557 veces

    Predeterminado El Batman que quiero ver

    El Batman que quería ver yo era el que se barajó en la génesis del proyecto: que si adaptaremos el "Batman: Año Uno" <img src= ALT=":babas"> , que si contrataremos al Aranofsky <img src= ALT=":babas"> , blablabla ... En fin, que después de todo, aún no he perdido la esperanza de ver algo bueno, aunque no con las ansias que tenía antes...


    <span style="color:gray;font-family:verdana;">"El mejor truco que inventó el Diablo fue convencer al mundo de que no existía" </span></p>

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