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Tema: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

  1. #201
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Es raro porque en los pedidos de mayo y verano fueron muy rápidos pero bueno en Halloween '21 también pasó lo mismo, hasta finales de enero '22 no lo recibí.

  2. #202
    gurú Avatar de ryder
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 dic, 07
    16616 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Por fin...

    Doe Lecter, BodySnatcher y bebos123 han agradecido esto.
    TV 4K: OLED LG 65" C9 / OLED 3D LG 55" 920V
    Reproductor UHDBD: Panasonic DP-UB9004

    ¿Cómo se retoma el hilo de toda una vida? ¿Cómo seguir adelante cuando en tu corazón empiezas a entender que no hay regreso posible, que hay cosas que el tiempo no puede enmendar, aquellas que hieren muy dentro, que dejan cicatriz?

  3. #203
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    2.5 euros de pago de aduanas.

    Muy buenos masters excepto El monte de las brujas que es un desastre absoluto.
    bebos123 ha agradecido esto.

  4. #204
    adicto Avatar de bebos123
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 jul, 14
    292 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Cita Iniciado por Chimera Ver mensaje
    Y de las que has pillado, Síntomas y No nos libres del mal son de mis favoritas, 2 peliculones.
    Chimera ha agradecido esto.

  5. #205
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
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    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Cita Iniciado por bebos123 Ver mensaje
    Y de las que has pillado, Síntomas y No nos libres del mal son de mis favoritas, 2 peliculones.
    "No nos libres del mal" ha sido la sorpresa del año.
    bebos123 ha agradecido esto.

  6. #206
    freak Avatar de Rayden
    Fecha de ingreso
    07 may, 16
    602 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Buenas tardes he entrado por primera vez a la web de Mondo Macabro, viendo vuestras compras, y me aparece todo como agotado, suelen reponer? o cuando suelen publicar nuevas peliculas para comprar? un saludo!

  7. #207
    Peeping Tom Avatar de Doe Lecter
    Fecha de ingreso
    03 feb, 05
    6477 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Lo lleva solo una persona y anunció en un foro que estaría fuera unos días. Volverá a poner el catálogo antiguo de ediciones no limitadas en stock de aquí a diez días, a la vez que abra las reservas para la nueva tanda de cuatro ediciones limitadas en caja roja (sin anunciar).
    Rayden ha agradecido esto.

  8. #208
    adicto Avatar de bebos123
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 jul, 14
    292 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Cita Iniciado por Rayden Ver mensaje
    Buenas tardes he entrado por primera vez a la web de Mondo Macabro, viendo vuestras compras, y me aparece todo como agotado, suelen reponer? o cuando suelen publicar nuevas peliculas para comprar? un saludo!
    Aquí hay 2 cosas, la primera es que supongo que no has entrado en la web correcta. La segunda, es lo que bien te ha respondido el compañero Doe Lecter. La web que funciona como tienda para hacer compras es: pero va a estar cerrada temporalmente hasta fin de mes según ha comunicado Jared. Supongo que tú habrás entrado en que en teoría iba a ser la nueva web que sustituyese a la anterior pero les ha dado tantos problemas que a día de hoy sigue sin estar operativa para hacer pedidos y todos los títulos figuran como "Sold Out".
    Última edición por bebos123; 21/04/2023 a las 20:27
    Rayden ha agradecido esto.

  9. #209
    freak Avatar de BodySnatcher
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 jul, 11
    1208 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Anunciadas ayer martes las novedades del sello para este Mayo:

    The Night of the Executioner (1992)

    Label description: Dr. Hugo Arranz (Paul Naschy) is commemorating his 50th birthday with his wife and daughter. As the celebrations reach their height, the family are terrorized by a gang of violent street thugs who have broken into their home. Initially, the gang are after jewels and cash. But once they have their helpless victims tied up and defenseless, their thoughts turn to violence. They rape Arranz's wife and daughter and then, annoyed by the doctor's protests, they cut out his tongue and leave him for dead.

    Arranz survives the attack and recovers after a stay in the hospital. Abandoning his medical practice, he seeks vengeance on the men and women who destroyed his life. He embarks on a strenuous course of physical training, involving knives, guns and punishing bouts of weight lifting. Finally, he is ready to go in pursuit of his prey. But to track them down, he must enter the sleazy underworld that his potential victims inhabit. In the process, Dr Arranz begins to learn much, not only about his targets but also about himself. The Night of the Executioner was Paul Naschy's last complete film as writer/director/ actor. It's a shocking and thrilling ride into the dark underbelly of the city and a true tribute to its star's ability to craft exciting and thought-provoking entertainment.

    Special Features and Technical Specs:
    Spanish language track with optional English subtitles
    Audio commentary by Rod Barnett and Troy Guinn of the Naschycast
    Interview with Sergio Molina
    Interview with actor Pepe Ruiz
    Interview with actor Manuel Zarzo
    Full color booklet with a brand new essay on the film by Troy Howarth; 1500 numbered copies in the usual red case

    The Fear (1966)

    Label description: Anna, a young female student living in Athens, returns to her family's large farm in the remote Greek countryside. She starts to feel the tensions that lie, repressed, under the apparently tranquil rural setting. Her father and mother are trapped in a loveless marriage and her half-brother, Anestis, seems even more of a brooding and dangerous figure than ever before. Anna's only real friend is the mute servant girl, Hrysa, who many of the local villagers see as some kind of saint due to her alleged sightings of the Virgin Mary in the lonely corn fields that surround the farm.

    Hrysa disappears and is reported missing. Anna soon suspects her half-brother is responsible and has probably killed the girl. She starts to follow him, trying to trick him into a confession. Realizing that she might become his next victim, Anna starts to fear for her life. Confused and scared she accepts a marriage proposal from a local man. It's at the wedding ceremony, with the whole village watching, that the truth finally emerges and the terrifying last act of this rural psychodrama is played out.

    The Fear was the third, and final, film made by director Kostas Manoussakis. It was screened at the Berlin Film Festival and was widely sold around the world. However, due to a series of problems, Manoussakis never completed another feature. Now acclaimed as a classic and one of the best Greek films of its era, The Fear has lost none of its power to grip the viewer with its striking imagery and pulsing, avant-garde soundtrack.

    Special Features and Technical Specs:
    Greek language track with optional English subtitles
    Documentary about the film and director Kostas Manoussakis
    Gallery of stills and artwork
    Video: Remembering Elena Nathanail
    Full color booklet with brand new writing on the film by Jacques Spohr; reversible cover sleeve with original ad art on each side; 1200 numbered copies in the usual red case

    Unquite Death / The Broken Mirror

    Broken Mirror (1975)

    Label description: Anne Lawrence lives in Brussels, where she works as a restorer of rare paintings. When Anne becomes pregnant, her widowed mother visits her, which brings back memories from Anne's past. Her mother asks Anne about the time she went missing and was found, lost in the city, clutching a strange painting with no knowledge of where it came from. Anne is fascinated by the painting but also scared of it. She becomes determined to discover why it now seems so important to her.

    Strange incidents start to occur. Anne is pursued through empty streets by a large car with a hidden driver. She sees a man with a gloved right hand watching her from the deserted house across the street. She becomes frightened by her own reflection in mirrors.

    As Anne sinks ever deeper into the mystery of her past, fantasy and reality start to merge and she finds herself entering a nightmare of fear and sudden violence from which she seems unable to escape.

    Director Claude d'Anna's third feature film is a dreamlike and hallucinatory journey into altered states of consciousness; a unique film, full of images of beauty and terror.

    Unquiet Death (1970)

    Three sisters come from France to visit their wealthy uncle who lives on a remote island off the coast of Tunisia. The only other inhabitant of the island is the uncle's manservant. The uncle dies in mysterious circumstances and the girls are left at the mercy of the servant. Initially he seems cooperative but then, as the radio broadcasts disturbing reports of trouble and unrest on the mainland, he rebels, refusing to obey the girls' orders. Imprisoning them in the uncle's house, he sets them various bizarre tasks, challenges their sense of superiority and even tries to teach them a new form of language.

    Finally their veneer of civilization cracks, and the girls resort to savagery. The servant disappears, seemingly dead. Sensing freedom, the girls celebrate. But then the servant returns. And this time he is angry... Made in the shadow of the May 68 Paris "events", Unquiet Death is a truly revolutionary and radical film, one that throws all caution to the wind. Packed full of startling images that mix beauty and terror, there really is nothing else quite like it. The film's rediscovery after more than 50 years is a cause for celebration.

    Special Features and Technical Specs:
    French or English language tracks for MIRROR (with optional Eng Subs); French track with optional English subtitles for UNQUIET
    Interview with co-writer/director Claude d'Anna
    Interview with UNQUIET DEATH co-writer/director Férid Boughedir
    Interview with actress/co-writer Laure Dechasnel
    Profile of editor and producer Gust Verren
    RAPPELS (Curtain Call), short film by Claude d'Anna
    Full color booklet with new essay on the films by Paul Geens; reversible cover sleeve each side highlighting one of the films; 1200 numbered copies in the usual red case

    The Girl Can't Stop! / Ravishing Dany

    Ravishing Dani (1972)

    Label description: Surely one of the weirdest "sex comedies" ever, the story concerns Danielle ('Dany to my friends'), a freelance fashion model in early 1970s France, played here by Sandra Julien of SHIVER OF THE VAMPIRES fame. She wants to buy a car and so is saving the travel portion of her fee for that purpose. To get from gig to gig she hitchhikes. This puts her into numerous dangerous and bizarre situations, including being picked up by a hearse driver who wants to have sex with her UNDERNEATH his hearse, as there's a corpse in the back; an escaped loony who mistakes sheep for women; a horny Italian countess who's looking for some kinky sex and flagellation; a hippy who sings rather than talks (and has a big surprise in store for Dany); a crucifix-obsessed butterfly collector; a Byzantine prince in a Rolls Royce; and more...

    Director Willy Rozier (1901-1983) was a pioneer of independent productions in his native France. He worked in many of the popular film genres - action, crime, comedy, thrillers and was an Olympic swimming champion as well as one of the developers of underwater filming equipment. He was perhaps most famous for the number of iconic female stars he discovered, which included Brigitte Bardot and French favorite Françoise Arnoul.

    The Girl Can't Stop! (1965)

    Label description: Based on a well known Greek novel, director Willy Rozier's Les chiens dans la nuit (Dogs in the Night) was distributed in the USA as THE GIRL CAN'T STOP! and in Germany as Die Sadisten (The Sadists). It's a gripping and often shocking story of how low some men will stoop to get what they want, and how they use and abuse the women in their lives to get it.

    Manuel (played by Georges Rivière) is a struggling businessman about to go under. He loses his last cash in the casino. His sleazy and violent accomplice, Manolis, persuades Manuel that one way to save his ailing business would be to persuade his wife - the beautiful Tassoula - to sleep with banker Giorgian Kaledis and use her influence to borrow money from his bank. Although she initially rejects her husband's plan, Tassoula falls in love with Giorgian and sees him as a possible escape from her loveless marriage. However, she is in for a shock when she discovers that the innocent looking Giorgian is in fact a sexual pervert, who likes to listen while his bald, one-eyed servant Kior Ali tortures women.

    The Girl Can't Stop is graced with a strong cast of European genre film stalwarts at the top of their game, including Greek "blonde bombshell" Zeta Apostolou and the stunningly beautiful Maria Xenia. The film is gripping entertainment right up to its bleak and cynical ending.

    Special Features and Technical Specs:
    French or English audio (with optional Eng Subs) for DANY and French audio with optional English subtitles for THE GIRL
    Interview with director's daughter Catherine Rozier
    Featurette - Dany and the Censors
    Christophe Bier reads Willy Rozier
    Trailer for DANY
    Full color booklet with brand new writing on the films by Jacques Spohr; reversible cover sleeve each side highlighting one of the films; 1200 numbered copies in the usual red case

    Preventas disponibles a partir del próximo jueves 04 de Mayo
    Última edición por BodySnatcher; 26/04/2023 a las 07:26
    repopo, bebos123 y Chimera han agradecido esto.

  10. #210
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"


    El 4 de mayo a las 18.00 tendré que estar puntual, quiero el bundle! que la última vez se me escapó la de Jess Franco!
    BodySnatcher y bebos123 han agradecido esto.

  11. #211
    adicto Avatar de bebos123
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 jul, 14
    292 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Made mía, qué pintaza tienen todas...otro que no va a dejar escapar ese bundle
    BodySnatcher y Chimera han agradecido esto.

  12. #212
    Peeping Tom Avatar de Doe Lecter
    Fecha de ingreso
    03 feb, 05
    6477 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Cita Iniciado por Rayden Ver mensaje
    Buenas tardes he entrado por primera vez a la web de Mondo Macabro, viendo vuestras compras, y me aparece todo como agotado, suelen reponer? o cuando suelen publicar nuevas peliculas para comprar? un saludo!
    Ya tienes todo el catálogo antiguo disponible en su bigcartel. Además, el jueves que viene a las 6 de la tarde en España podrás reservar la tanda de novedades que han comentado los compañeros (por lo que, en caso de que te interesase alguna de las mismas, sería recomendable que esperaras para ahorrar en gastos de envío).
    melting y Rayden han agradecido esto.

  13. #213
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"


    Ya están las reservas!!

    Limitado el bundle a 700!

    Pillado el bundle. Sale a 116€ envío incluido.

  14. #214
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Aviso de stock

    May pre-order update!


    A little bit less than that on THE FEAR and RAVISHING DANY/GIRL CAN'T STOP.

    Bundle option is still available for now. But the latest it will be up is May 11. After this you will only be able to buy them individually (until or unless they sell out).
    bebos123 ha agradecido esto.

  15. #215
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"


    EXECUTIONER - About 420 copies left (out of 1500)
    BROKEN MIRROR - About 220 copies left (out of 1200)
    FEAR - About 280 copies left (out of 1200)
    RAVISHING DANY - About 350 copies left (out of 1200)
    BOLLYWOOD HORROR - About 1200 left (out of 3000)
    APOCALYPSE AFTER - About 380 left (out of 1500)

    Bundle option will expire after May 11th, so if that's something you are interested in, get on it soon!

    These are ONLY available to purchase at!
    bebos123 ha agradecido esto.

  16. #216
    adicto Avatar de bebos123
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 jul, 14
    292 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    El bundle de mayo ya está en camino Esta vez han sido más rápidos
    BodySnatcher y Chimera han agradecido esto.

  17. #217
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Casiusco, BodySnatcher y bebos123 han agradecido esto.

  18. #218
    Peeping Tom Avatar de Doe Lecter
    Fecha de ingreso
    03 feb, 05
    6477 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Dos nuevos lanzamientos para reservar, el jueves 27 a las 18: el giallo poco visto, pero apreciable, Viaje al vacío (1969), de Javier Setó, y El siniestro Dr. Orloff (1984), de Jesús Franco. Aquí desgrano los detalles de la publicación original de Jared, para aquellos interesados.

    ryder, BodySnatcher, bebos123 y 1 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  19. #219
    adicto Avatar de bebos123
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 jul, 14
    292 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Se agradece la información, no son muy buenas fechas pero ahí procuraremos estar para este nuevo bundle.

  20. #220
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Un bundle de dos títulos? Bueno la economía lo agradece pero creía que faltaba un tercer título.

    Igualmente pedazo de títulos. Viaje al vacío es de Xavier Setó!

  21. #221
    adicto Avatar de bebos123
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 jul, 14
    292 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Recordad, hoy a las 18 h. empiezan las pre-order de "Viaje al vacío" (1969) (estreno con la versión española) y "El siniestro doctor Orloff" (1984) (estreno en alta definición). Ambas ediciones con el audio en castellano y con opción de compra mediante bundle.
    Trek, ryder, BodySnatcher y 1 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  22. #222
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Gracias. Reservado el bundle.

    Están volando OJO.
    bebos123 ha agradecido esto.

  23. #223
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Acaban de enviarme el Bundle.

    Tengo miedo de las aduanas. Veremos. Como sé que declaran el mínimo 10 dólares o menos les pediría una factura por si acaso me lo pide la AEAT.

  24. #224
    gurú Avatar de ryder
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 dic, 07
    16616 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    Bundle enviado por aquí. De este hay ganas...
    TV 4K: OLED LG 65" C9 / OLED 3D LG 55" 920V
    Reproductor UHDBD: Panasonic DP-UB9004

    ¿Cómo se retoma el hilo de toda una vida? ¿Cómo seguir adelante cuando en tu corazón empiezas a entender que no hay regreso posible, que hay cosas que el tiempo no puede enmendar, aquellas que hieren muy dentro, que dejan cicatriz?

  25. #225
    gurú Avatar de Chimera
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 jun, 20
    7860 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Lanzamientos de "Mondo Macabro"

    El 14 de septiembre a las 18.00 horas hora española se pondrá a la venta un Bundle de cine fantástico japonés que tiene pinta de que vaya a arrasar. Os lo recordaré el mismo día 14 para aquellos olvidadizos.


    Going on sale NEXT THURSDAY, September 14th at 9 AM Pacific/12 Noon Eastern, only at!


    Directed by Shunya Ito
    Japan, 1977; 103 minutes; 2.35:1

    A trio of young scientists from the city head out into the countryside to investigate a source of uranium at the base of a sacred mountain. On their way, they carelessly destroy a roadside shrine and run over and kill a dog belonging to a local boy. The boy puts a curse on them and tries to disrupt the wedding when a local girl, Reiko, marries one of the trio.

    Back in the city, the newlyweds are subjected to a string of increasingly disturbing and inexplicable happenings and Reiko slowly goes insane, convinced that her husband has been cursed and that she has been possessed by the spirit of the Dog God. An attempt to exorcise her ends in tragedy when she dies during the ceremony. One of the trio of scientists throws himself off a skyscraper and a second member of the group is fatally attacked by a pack of feral dogs. But these terrible events are only the start of the Curse of the Dog God...

    Written and directed by Shunya Ito, director of the first three of the Female Prisoner Scorpion series of women-in-prison films, CURSE OF THE DOG GOD was one of the earliest Japanese films, in the wake of THE EXORCIST and THE OMEN, to tackle occult themes. Packed full of bizarre and shocking events, it’s a film ripe for rediscovery.

    Region A locked
    World Blu-ray premiere and US home video debut
    Japanese language with optional English subtitles
    New 2K restoration
    New interview with director Shunya Ito
    New interview with NOROI: THE CURSE director Koji Shiraishi
    New audio commentary by Chris Poggiali and Marc Walkow
    Original trailer

    Reversible cover sleeve with brand new art by Justin Coffee on the A side and original Japanese art on the B; full color booklet by Japanese cinema expert Tom Mes; 1500 numbered copies in the usual red case
    All going well, this should begin shipping before the end of September!


    Going on sale NEXT THURSDAY, September 14th at 9 AM Pacific/12 Noon Eastern, only at!

    Directed by Tatsumi Kumashiro
    Japan, 1979; 130 minutes; 2.35:1

    The film begins with Miho and Ryuzo, two adulterous lovers, being hunted down by Miho's husband. Ryuzo is killed while the pregnant Miho is bludgeoned and left for dead. As she dies, she gives birth to her daughter, Aki, who is thus considered to have been born in hell.

    20 years later, Aki – who is the very image of her mother - has become a daredevil racing car driver. She feels that strange forces are trying to kill her. To solve the mystery of her past she returns to the remote village where her mother died and to the dysfunctional family that refused to take care of Aki when she was a baby. Aki’s arrival triggers a series of disastrous events as she tries to take revenge for the murder of her mother.

    Inspired by the famous 1960 film JIGOKU, THE INFERNO shows the hell of Aki’s life in this world but then takes us on an astonishing trip into the beyond, where the film visualizes the hideous punishments and bizarre monsters that await the unfortunate souls condemned for eternity to The Inferno.
    Director Tatsumi Kumashiro, formerly one of the mainstays of Nikkatsu Studio’s sexually charged “roman porno” series, here delivers one of the masterpieces of 1970s Japanese cinema.

    Region A locked
    World Blu-ray premiere and US home video debut
    Japanese language with optional English subtitles
    New 2K restoration
    New interview with RING screenwriter Hiroshi Takahashi
    New interview with NOROI: THE CURSE director Koji Shiraishi
    Original trailer

    Reversible cover with brand new art by Justin Coffee on the A side and original Japanese poster art on the B; full color booklet with new writing on the film by Japanese film expert Jasper Sharp; 1500 numbered copies in the usual red case

    All going well, this should begin shipping before the end of September!

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