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Tema: Misterio en Venecia (A Haunting in Venice, 2023, Kenneth Branagh)

  1. #26
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Misterio en Venecia (A Haunting in Venice, 2023, Kenneth Branagh)

    Robert A. Harris:

    I've always enjoyed (and respected) Kenneth Branagh's work, and that continues with his (first?) three loose adaptations of the work of Agatha Christie.

    A Haunting in Venice is viscerally quite different from the previous two - Murder on the Orient Express (2017) and Death on the Nile (2022), in that the earlier two were photographed using 65mm film, or a combination of 65mm and high resolution digital.

    All three were shot by Harris Zambarloukos, and for the third he chose to go digital.

    For those who may be unaware of Ms Christie, she was a writer of mysteries - who-done-its - and her most famous is probably And Then There Were None. One might presume that Mr. Branagh will eventually cover her entire output, which would be a good thing.

    A Haunting in Venice, even though it was released as a 4k DCP, has arrived via Fox/Disney as "only" a Blu-ray, but that Blu-ray is of the first order. Colors, densities, all beautifully rendered, and nice blacks besides.

    An intelligent, high-end piece of work, and great fun, in the mode of Knives Out - again for those who are unaware of Christie.

    And now for the facts that everyone is awaiting. There's no mystery that Disney has created a wonderful slipcover for the First Edition.

    Designed elegantly, with a matte finish, and inks set over a reflective background, creating an overall iridescent appearance, especially within the skyline of the upper quadrant of the obverse.

    On top of that, the image is embossed on five or six levels, with the title logo set off higher than other areas, in pearlescent gold. I've requested that my corporate subsidiary, which sells rare home video packaging on eBay and other areas order five hundred copies. This could be part of the slipcover gold rush of 2023-24.

    Image – 5

    Audio – 5 (DTS-HD MA 7.1)

    Pass / Fail – Pass

    Plays nicely with projectors - Yes

    Worth your attention - 7.5

    Slipcover rating - 5

    Highly Recommended
    jmac1972 y PrimeCallahan han agradecido esto.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

  2. #27
    Senior Member
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    Predeterminado Re: Misterio en Venecia (A Haunting in Venice, 2023, Kenneth Branagh)

    Teniendo ya la película, aparte de las escenas eliminadas indicadas en la caratula se incluye un como se hizo de 26 minutos que no se detalla en la caratula.
    jmac1972, Xoseppe, starkwell y 3 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  3. #28
    maestro Avatar de kovah
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    Predeterminado Re: Misterio en Venecia (A Haunting in Venice, 2023, Kenneth Branagh)

    Steelbook por algún otro sitio, ha salido? Muchas gracias.

  4. #29
    recién llegado
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    Predeterminado Re: Misterio en Venecia (A Haunting in Venice, 2023, Kenneth Branagh)

    Cita Iniciado por tatoadsl Ver mensaje
    Teniendo ya la película, aparte de las escenas eliminadas indicadas en la caratula se incluye un como se hizo de 26 minutos que no se detalla en la caratula.
    Mil gracias, me has hecho un gran favor comentando el detalle del cómo se hizo, porque pensaba comprar el de UK, ya que en la carátula lo pone, y en el de España no. Me extrañaba que sólo fueran las escenas eliminadas, aunque lo cierto es que tengo experiencias con otros dvd/bluray que traen menos extras aquí.

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