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Tema: Packs "Alfred Hitchcock"

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    Predeterminado Packs "Alfred Hitchcock"

    Universal released later this year, according to an "Alfred Hitchcock Collection" with 14 Hitchcock classics on Blu-ray disc is expected to contain this, the following films:

    - Rope
    - Rear Window
    - The Man Who Knew Too Much
    - The Torn Curtain
    - The Birds
    - Family grave
    - Frenzy
    - Shadow of a Doubt
    - The Trouble with Harry
    - Marnie
    - Psycho
    - Saboteurs
    - Topaz
    - Vertigo

    Further details are not yet known. called the amazon 28.12. as of release date, which is likely to act but simply a placeholder.

    AREA DVD » Universal plant “Alfred Hitchcock Collection” auf Blu-ray Disc

    Última edición por alvaroooo; 11/05/2012 a las 14:36

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