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Tema: Ronin (John Frankenheimer, 1998)

  1. #1
    sabio Avatar de Conrado77
    Fecha de ingreso
    19 dic, 15
    14092 veces

    Predeterminado Ronin (John Frankenheimer, 1998)

    Otro BD del que no había sección. Vista la edición italiana. Gran metraje. Pero no esperéis gran cosa a nivel técnico. BD-25 prensado, sin menú general y codificado en MPEG-2 a unos 17 Mbps. El único menú que hay es el emergente. La calidad de vídeo es la mínima necesaria para tener la sensación de estar viendo un BD. Buena colorimetría, brillo, contraste y saturación. Pero la definición, sin ser mala, no es muy notable, particularmente durante la primera mitad de la película, donde predominan las escenas oscuras. Después, en los exteriores diurnos, mejora mucho la cosa. Los interiores luminosos también se ven muy bien definidos, sin desenfoques de ningún tipo. De extras sólo trae algunos trailers, incluido el de la propia película. Y ya está. No cabe más en BD-25 teniendo en cuenta que la película dura 2h. No he visto el DVD. Pero suponiendo que sea de buena calidad, el BD debería ser notablemente superior, sin más. La película mejor de lo que me esperaba, la verdad. La compré prácticamente a ciegas. El BD me ha salido barato con las ofertas actuales de Amazon Italia (4€). De modo que buena compra.

    Os dejo el BDInfo:

                                                                                                                    Total   Video                                             
    Title                                                           Codec   Length  Movie Size      Disc Size       Bitrate Bitrate Main Audio Track                          Secondary Audio Track
    -----                                                           ------  ------- --------------  --------------  ------- ------- ------------------                        ---------------------
    00019.MPLS                                                      MPEG-2  2:01:33 22.381.860.864  23.341.580.482  24,55   17,11   DTS-HD Master 5.1 4246Kbps (48kHz/24-bit) 
    Disc Title:     RONIN_F1
    Disc Size:      23.341.580.482 bytes
    Protection:     AACS
    BD-Java:        No
    BDInfo:         0.5.8
    Name:                   00019.MPLS
    Length:                 2:01:33.786 (
    Size:                   22.381.860.864 bytes
    Total Bitrate:          24,55 Mbps
    Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
    -----                   -------             -----------     
    MPEG-2 Video            17108 kbps          1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9
    Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    DTS-HD Master Audio             English         4246 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 4246 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    DTS Audio                       Italian         768 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit
    DTS Audio                       Spanish         768 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit
    Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    Presentation Graphics           English         24,804 kbps                     
    Presentation Graphics           Italian         20,722 kbps                     
    Presentation Graphics           Italian         2,278 kbps                      
    Presentation Graphics           Spanish         18,523 kbps                     
    Presentation Graphics           Spanish         2,223 kbps                      
    Presentation Graphics           Danish          20,462 kbps                     
    Presentation Graphics           Finnish         20,263 kbps                     
    Presentation Graphics           Norwegian       18,819 kbps                     
    Presentation Graphics           Swedish         19,897 kbps                     
    Presentation Graphics           English         1,991 kbps                      
    Name            Time In         Length          Size            Total Bitrate   
    ----            -------         ------          ----            -------------   
    00028.M2TS      0:00:00.000     2:01:33.786     22.381.860.864  24.549          
    Number          Time In         Length          Avg Video Rate  Max 1-Sec Rate  Max 1-Sec Time  Max 5-Sec Rate  Max 5-Sec Time  Max 10Sec Rate  Max 10Sec Time  Avg Frame Size  Max Frame Size  Max Frame Time  
    ------          -------         ------          --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  
    1               0:00:00.000     0:07:01.796     16.899 kbps     32.623 kbps     00:00:18.393    24.418 kbps     00:00:16.433    22.385 kbps     00:00:13.972    88.093 bytes    610.328 bytes   00:02:49.460    
    2               0:07:01.796     0:03:27.165     17.025 kbps     30.319 kbps     00:09:18.891    25.758 kbps     00:09:17.932    21.479 kbps     00:09:12.885    88.761 bytes    698.513 bytes   00:09:19.559    
    3               0:10:28.961     0:04:54.377     17.146 kbps     24.767 kbps     00:15:12.578    19.799 kbps     00:15:08.741    19.046 kbps     00:15:07.281    89.393 bytes    595.267 bytes   00:12:21.866    
    4               0:15:23.339     0:01:58.743     17.664 kbps     37.751 kbps     00:17:07.484    32.712 kbps     00:16:20.354    26.598 kbps     00:16:16.392    92.091 bytes    698.518 bytes   00:16:23.315    
    5               0:17:22.082     0:01:32.967     15.655 kbps     20.497 kbps     00:18:54.049    17.656 kbps     00:17:22.082    16.851 kbps     00:17:22.082    81.616 bytes    687.225 bytes   00:18:55.050    
    6               0:18:55.050     0:05:17.734     17.221 kbps     35.272 kbps     00:23:48.260    29.995 kbps     00:19:24.705    28.757 kbps     00:19:24.371    89.783 bytes    698.519 bytes   00:19:33.130    
    7               0:24:12.784     0:02:07.877     17.079 kbps     23.411 kbps     00:24:19.833    20.402 kbps     00:24:15.829    19.518 kbps     00:24:52.115    89.042 bytes    589.695 bytes   00:25:59.182    
    8               0:26:20.662     0:00:59.476     17.174 kbps     23.728 kbps     00:27:19.137    18.517 kbps     00:27:05.540    18.057 kbps     00:26:22.789    89.538 bytes    679.132 bytes   00:27:20.138    
    9               0:27:20.138     0:04:02.033     16.571 kbps     23.349 kbps     00:31:21.170    18.713 kbps     00:30:12.268    18.136 kbps     00:30:12.101    86.394 bytes    679.132 bytes   00:31:22.171    
    10              0:31:22.171     0:02:32.318     17.527 kbps     32.058 kbps     00:32:11.054    29.870 kbps     00:32:11.054    25.465 kbps     00:32:07.800    91.378 bytes    698.513 bytes   00:32:17.727    
    11              0:33:54.490     0:05:25.408     17.413 kbps     25.156 kbps     00:39:18.898    22.830 kbps     00:33:56.576    22.279 kbps     00:33:56.284    90.782 bytes    652.313 bytes   00:39:19.523    
    12              0:39:19.899     0:01:59.452     15.031 kbps     32.369 kbps     00:39:22.359    27.979 kbps     00:39:22.401    25.181 kbps     00:39:19.899    78.366 bytes    698.515 bytes   00:39:25.905    
    13              0:41:19.351     0:04:02.367     16.578 kbps     38.463 kbps     00:44:41.053    25.806 kbps     00:44:37.383    23.752 kbps     00:44:39.843    86.430 bytes    624.182 bytes   00:44:29.124    
    14              0:45:21.719     0:04:29.519     19.163 kbps     38.713 kbps     00:47:02.486    35.211 kbps     00:48:45.213    29.853 kbps     00:48:43.712    99.906 bytes    698.513 bytes   00:47:17.417    
    15              0:49:51.238     0:01:44.604     18.002 kbps     38.962 kbps     00:51:08.356    28.190 kbps     00:51:30.837    21.731 kbps     00:51:25.832    93.852 bytes    687.049 bytes   00:51:08.398    
    16              0:51:35.842     0:02:59.721     17.049 kbps     34.383 kbps     00:52:57.966    33.762 kbps     00:52:57.507    33.553 kbps     00:52:52.002    88.887 bytes    698.517 bytes   00:52:55.171    
    17              0:54:35.563     0:02:56.676     17.119 kbps     30.695 kbps     00:57:31.239    20.895 kbps     00:57:27.235    19.336 kbps     00:56:00.398    89.249 bytes    622.213 bytes   00:56:21.002    
    18              0:57:32.240     0:01:20.997     16.763 kbps     22.518 kbps     00:57:59.058    19.596 kbps     00:57:56.931    18.188 kbps     00:57:53.845    87.395 bytes    521.982 bytes   00:58:27.879    
    19              0:58:53.238     0:02:28.106     17.484 kbps     22.936 kbps     01:01:12.835    21.284 kbps     01:00:50.897    20.986 kbps     01:00:50.980    91.156 bytes    591.999 bytes   01:01:21.344    
    20              1:01:21.344     0:07:43.254     17.519 kbps     30.521 kbps     01:06:20.559    23.526 kbps     01:06:19.809    21.999 kbps     01:06:12.468    91.338 bytes    698.513 bytes   01:09:04.348    
    21              1:09:04.598     0:05:43.676     17.132 kbps     26.023 kbps     01:14:19.705    21.163 kbps     01:13:56.265    20.697 kbps     01:13:51.218    89.319 bytes    592.900 bytes   01:14:20.038    
    22              1:14:48.275     0:05:17.775     16.993 kbps     23.389 kbps     01:16:18.198    21.081 kbps     01:16:14.194    19.861 kbps     01:19:37.647    88.591 bytes    519.444 bytes   01:18:13.105    
    23              1:20:06.051     0:03:55.443     17.097 kbps     22.503 kbps     01:24:00.493    19.510 kbps     01:23:41.808    18.428 kbps     01:21:47.319    89.138 bytes    698.517 bytes   01:24:01.494    
    24              1:24:01.494     0:03:03.850     15.223 kbps     37.706 kbps     01:27:01.090    23.763 kbps     01:26:57.837    20.235 kbps     01:26:55.335    79.364 bytes    603.711 bytes   01:27:02.759    
    25              1:27:05.345     0:07:58.978     18.165 kbps     37.952 kbps     01:29:45.797    34.310 kbps     01:29:45.588    27.306 kbps     01:29:40.708    94.706 bytes    611.144 bytes   01:35:04.323    
    26              1:35:04.323     0:04:27.600     15.853 kbps     22.264 kbps     01:37:02.399    18.419 kbps     01:36:59.647    17.647 kbps     01:37:02.399    82.648 bytes    685.169 bytes   01:39:15.074    
    27              1:39:31.924     0:05:53.186     17.384 kbps     36.986 kbps     01:44:54.621    31.099 kbps     01:40:06.959    30.322 kbps     01:40:07.084    90.632 bytes    654.369 bytes   01:45:25.110    
    28              1:45:25.110     0:03:57.153     16.942 kbps     37.585 kbps     01:48:14.070    26.221 kbps     01:48:10.901    21.177 kbps     01:48:07.856    88.328 bytes    681.844 bytes   01:46:59.955    
    29              1:49:22.264     0:02:27.146     18.106 kbps     36.151 kbps     01:50:24.534    22.075 kbps     01:50:20.655    20.459 kbps     01:50:15.650    94.395 bytes    696.500 bytes   01:50:25.452    
    30              1:51:49.411     0:01:56.991     17.176 kbps     23.168 kbps     01:53:14.871    19.720 kbps     01:52:12.684    18.936 kbps     01:52:12.434    89.546 bytes    546.788 bytes   01:53:46.402    
    31              1:53:46.402     0:02:16.177     15.942 kbps     22.801 kbps     01:56:01.579    18.615 kbps     01:55:57.575    17.803 kbps     01:55:52.570    83.113 bytes    591.763 bytes   01:56:02.580    
    32              1:56:02.580     0:05:31.205     16.395 kbps     24.515 kbps     01:56:13.925    22.773 kbps     02:01:27.029    20.650 kbps     02:00:27.845    85.486 bytes    518.000 bytes   02:00:32.642    
    Disc Title: RONIN_F1
    Disc Size: 23.341.580.482 bytes
    Protection: AACS
    BD-Java: No
    Playlist: 00019.MPLS
    Size: 22.381.860.864 bytes
    Length: 2:01:33.786
    Total Bitrate: 24,55 Mbps
    Video: MPEG-2 Video / 17108 kbps / 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9
    Audio: English / DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4246 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    Audio: Italian / DTS Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit
    Audio: Spanish / DTS Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit
    Subtitle: English / 24,804 kbps
    Subtitle: Italian / 20,722 kbps
    Subtitle: Italian / 2,278 kbps
    Subtitle: Spanish / 18,523 kbps
    Subtitle: Spanish / 2,223 kbps
    Subtitle: Danish / 20,462 kbps
    Subtitle: Finnish / 20,263 kbps
    Subtitle: Norwegian / 18,819 kbps
    Subtitle: Swedish / 19,897 kbps
    Subtitle: English / 1,991 kbps
    Última edición por Conrado77; 02/07/2017 a las 07:09

  2. #2
    Man on fire Avatar de tyler durden
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 dic, 06
    12121 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Ronin ( John Frankenheimer, 1998)

    Dado que tiene hilo propio, lo cuelgo aquí, que antes sólo estaba en el hilo de Arrow:


    From director John Frankenheimer (Reindeer Games, The Manchurian Candidate) comes Ronin, a pulse-pounding, action-packed crime thriller featuring an all-star cast headlined by Robert De Niro (Taxi Driver, Heat) and Jean Reno (Léon: The Professional).

    On a rain-swept night in Paris, an international crack team of professional thieves assembles, summoned by a shady crime syndicate fronted by the enigmatic Deirdre (Natascha McElhone, The Devil's Own). Their mission: to steal a heavily guarded briefcase from armed mobsters, its contents undisclosed. But what begins as a routine heist soon spirals into chaos, with the group beset by a series of double-crosses and constantly shifting allegiances, and it falls to world-weary former CIA strategist Sam (De Niro) and laconic Frenchman Vincent (Reno) to hold the mission together.

    A latter-day return to form for Frankenheimer, the film evokes the same gritty milieu as classic 70s crime fare like The French Connection, in addition to anticipating the early 21st century trend towards more grounded, realistic action movies, exemplified by the likes of the Bourne franchise. Arrow Video is proud to present Ronin in a brand new, cinematographer-approved 4K restoration, allowing this jewel in the crown of 90s thriller cinema to shine like never before.

    • Brand new 4K restoration of the film from the original camera negative produced by Arrow Video exclusively for this release, supervised and approved by director of photography Robert Fraisse
    • Original English 5.1 audio (lossless)
    • Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
    • Audio commentary by director John Frankenheimer
    • Brand new video interview with director of photography Robert Fraisse
    • Paul Joyce documentary on Robert De Niro
    • Ronin: Filming in the Fast Lane, an archival behind-the-scenes featurette
    • Through the Lens, an archival interview with Robert Fraisse
    • The Driving of Ronin, an archival featurette on the film's legendary car stunts
    • Natascha McElhone: An Actor's Process, an archival interview with the actress
    • Composing the Ronin Score, an archival interview with composer Elia Cmiral
    • In the Ronin Cutting Room, an archival interview with editor Tony Gibbs
    • Venice Film Festival interviews with Robert De Niro, Jean Reno and Natascha McElhone
    • Alternate ending
    • Theatrical trailer
    • Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Jacob Phillips
    • First pressing only: Collector's booklet illustrated by Chris Malbon, featuring new writing on the film by critic Travis Crawford



    el marmolejo, alexf187, LOBOMORDEDOR y 3 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  3. #3
    freak Avatar de el marmolejo
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 abr, 05
    188 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Ronin (John Frankenheimer, 1998)

    Espero que sea una gran edición.

  4. #4
    freak Avatar de el marmolejo
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 abr, 05
    188 veces

  5. #5
    Man on fire Avatar de tyler durden
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 dic, 06
    12121 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Ronin (John Frankenheimer, 1998)

    Y parece una (muy) buena edición.

    Hasta finales de Octubre no la recibiré (mega pedido conjunto a Amazon UK)... Ainssss

  6. #6
    Senior Member Avatar de Imeldhil
    Fecha de ingreso
    23 nov, 06
    4373 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Ronin (John Frankenheimer, 1998)

    el nuevo steel UK trae esta edicion nueva o la vieja?

    EDITO: parece que no, el steel sera de fox. Voy a ver si contigo la de arrow en tienda ahora

    EDITO 2: es mas barata en HMV entra en el 2x25 y he pillado esta y la Premium de Donnie Brasco. Esta de Ronin venia con funda
    Última edición por Imeldhil; 26/08/2017 a las 18:24
    LOBOMORDEDOR ha agradecido esto.

  7. #7
    Charles Lee Ray Avatar de ChuckyGoo
    Fecha de ingreso
    01 ene, 02
    38059 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Ronin (John Frankenheimer, 1998)

    meindifiere, Xavier Blasco G y LOBOMORDEDOR han agradecido esto.
    LED Philips 42" 7000series

  8. #8
    The Final Frontier Avatar de Trek
    Fecha de ingreso
    30 abr, 06
    170861 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Ronin (John Frankenheimer, 1998)

    Ficha fotográfica steelbook combo bd/uhd alemán Ronin

    leoky ha agradecido esto.

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