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Tema: Corrupción en Miami (Miami Vice, 2006, Michael Mann)

  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 ago, 02
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    Predeterminado Corrupción en Miami (Miami Vice, 2006, Michael Mann)

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Latino Review had the chance to have a quick one on one chat recently with Jamie Foxx star of "Collateral" and already seemingly set to win the Best Actor Oscar for portraying iconic life of Ray Charles in the upcoming "Ray".

    Foxx confirmed that he will be working again with "Collateral" Director Michael Mann in the near future for the third time - reuniting for the big screen adaptation of 80's cop show "Miami Vice".

    "Yeah man, it's happening" said Foxx, confirming for the first time earlier rumors that he will be portraying Det. Ricardo Tubbs. When asked if Mann will direct, Foxx replied"hopefully he will".

    No word yet in who might be playing the role of Det. James "Sonny" Crockett or if Mann plans to make this an action/drama or a comedy spoof such as "Starsky and Hutch".<hr></blockquote>


    <img src= ALT=":laleche">

    PD: Sargento, esto no te lo puedes perder.


  2. #2
    Aleccionando Avatar de Sargento McKamikaze
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    01 ene, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: 'Miami Vice' de Michael Mann

    Sinceramente, no se qué pensar. Lo mejor sería evolucionar a partir de la serie y no anclarse en ésta... Con tal de que Mann esté detrás me conformo.

    Bueno, tendré que decirlo... <span style="font-size:large;">¡QUIERO VERLA YA!</span>

    <div style="text-align:center">¿Quieren una predicción del invierno? Yo se la daré. Va a ser frío, va a ser gris... y va a durar el resto de sus vidas.</div></p>

  3. #3
    Fecha de ingreso
    16 jun, 04
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    Predeterminado Re: 'Miami Vice' de Michael Mann


    Q sea buena, q se abuena, x favor. Otro mito de mi juventud destrozado en una adaptacion cinematrografica, NOOOO

    Leer es bueno, pero como toda regla tiene un millon de excepciones. Esta es una.</p>

  4. #4
    Aleccionando Avatar de Sargento McKamikaze
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    01 ene, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: 'Miami Vice' de Michael Mann

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Otro mito de mi juventud destrozado en una adaptacion cinematrografica, NOOOO<hr></blockquote>
    La ventaja está en que la serie es del propio Mann, y que Mann es el puto amo, y que como tal no se atrevería a cagarla antes de ver mancillado un trabajo suyo anterior.

    Aunque sería genial que mantuvieran el reparto original e hicieran un salto en el tiempo, ambientarla en la actualidad con Sonny y Ricardo como dos dinosaurios que no encajan en la actualidad ¡Es que es puro Mann!

    <div style="text-align:center">¿Quieren una predicción del invierno? Yo se la daré. Va a ser frío, va a ser gris... y va a durar el resto de sus vidas.</div></p>

  5. #5
    Fecha de ingreso
    30 ago, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: 'Miami Vice' de Michael Mann

    <img src= ALT=":hail"> <img src= ALT=":hail"> <img src= ALT=":hail">
    Esta si que no me la esperaba de Mann, quizá por demasiado obvio, pero que narices, todo lo que hace este director es la la leche (a excepción de "El torreón").


  6. #6
    Carthago delenda est Avatar de Cartal
    Fecha de ingreso
    19 ene, 04
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    Predeterminado Noticia Genial


    Una gran noticia en efecto... <img src= ALT=":palmas"> <img src= ALT=":palmas"> <img src= ALT=":palmas">

    <img src= ALT=":hail"> Mann

    Espero que esto sirva para que editen la serie original por aquí en condiciones y no como está ahora mismo. <img src= ALT=":martillo">



  7. #7
    Aleccionando Avatar de Sargento McKamikaze
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    01 ene, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: Noticia Genial

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>todo lo que hace este director es la la leche (a excepción de "El torreón&quot<img src= ALT=";)"> <hr></blockquote>

    No puedo evitar rebatirte, baker <img src= ALT=":D"> The Keep es una película muy majilla que peca de experimentalidad, pero no por ello deja de ser interesante. Aunque sería cojonudo ver una revisión con el Mann de ahora.

    <div style="text-align:center">¿Quieren una predicción del invierno? Yo se la daré. Va a ser frío, va a ser gris... y va a durar el resto de sus vidas.</div></p>

  8. #8
    Fecha de ingreso
    30 ago, 02
    4 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Noticia Genial

    Pues mira, ya que Mann hizo con HEAT el remake de su telefilme L.A. TAKEDOWN, no me importaría si ahora hiciese una puesta al día de EL TORREON. Yo moriría por Michael Mann, pero así y todo no comparto ninguna de las opiniones favorables o concescendientes hacia la que con seguiridad es la gran mancha negra de su filmografía.


  9. #9
    Slurm addict Avatar de dregen77
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    27 nov, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: Noticia Genial

    Maravillosa noticia, una de mis cinco series favoritas de todos los tiempos y además adaptada por su propio director original. De aquí solo puede salir algo bueno, dudo que opten por la via paródica de Starsky & Hutch.

    <div style="text-align:center">

  10. #10

    Predeterminado Re: Noticia Genial

    Recuerdo que en aquella época habia dos series que destacaban bastante por encima del resto.
    "Miami Vice" y "Canción triste de Hill Street". La primera, en la que también intervino Paul Michael Glasser "Starsky" como director, tuvo, yo creo, unas primera fase realmente buena, que con posterioridad, fue decayendo por agotamiento de ideas, que a la postre acabaron de forma estrepitosa con la franquicia televisiva. Ya veremos que se le ocurre a Mann para que resucite para el medio cinematográfico, con las mismas apuestas que innovaron el género policiaco, que por aquello años parecía bastante estéril.

    Y en cuanto a "Canción triste....", pues poco que contar que no sepáis de esta buenísima serie. Solo que acabó porque se quemó la comisaría. ¿También acabará con un "transfer" al cine?


  11. #11
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 jun, 04
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    Predeterminado Re: Noticia Genial

    Puede ser interesante <img src= ALT=":palomitas"> ... confío bastante Michael Mann como realizador, y si mantienen el espíritu y la música de la serie original ya será ... yujuuuuu!! <img src= ALT=":gano">


  12. #12
    Senior Member Avatar de woody allen
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    30 may, 03
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    Predeterminado Re: Noticia Genial

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Farrell & Foxx Frontrunners for Miami Vice
    Source: Variety October 14, 2004

    Universal Pictures is zeroing in on Colin Farrell (Alexander) to star as Det. James "Sonny" Crockett, and the studio is in talks with Jamie Foxx (Ray) to star as Det. Ricardo Tubbs in the big screen adaptation of hit '80s cop drama Miami Vice.

    Michael Mann, who executive produced the NBC show, is in negotiations to write, produce, and direct the feature film. Anthony Yarkovich, creator of the TV series, will executive produce the movie.

    The original series, which ran from 1984-89, starred Don Johnson as Crockett and Philip Michael Thomas as Tubbs.<hr></blockquote>

    un saludo

    <div style="text-align:center"><span style="color:navy;font-family:comic sans ms;font-size:xx-small;">"No me fio de nadie que no beba. El mundo entero lleva tres copas de retraso"</span>
    <span style="font-family:comic sans ms;font-size:xx-small;">Humphrey Bogart</span></div>
    <div style="text-align:center">ladrones, timadores y estafadores? -> sgae
    mi pequeño vicio</div></p>

  13. #13
    Aleccionando Avatar de Sargento McKamikaze
    Fecha de ingreso
    01 ene, 02
    16 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Noticia Genial

    ¿Farrell? Pues no es mala idea, no. Pero nadie como Don Johnson <img src= ALT=":((">

    <div style="text-align:center">¿Quieren una predicción del invierno? Yo se la daré. Va a ser frío, va a ser gris... y va a durar el resto de sus vidas.</div></p>

  14. #14
    Fecha de ingreso
    09 feb, 04
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    Predeterminado re

    Si, no es mala eleccion, pero yo hubiese deseado como antes habiais indicado usar los mismos actores situando la historia un poco mas adelante en el tiempo, tampoco es que Don Jonhson tenga 80 años...., aun estaria a la altura de ese papel


  15. #15
    Fecha de ingreso
    09 oct, 02
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    Predeterminado ....

    Yo tb soy de los que me decanto por los actores me veo a colin farrel de sonny... :S


  16. #16
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 ago, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: ....

    Usar a los actores originales y ambientarla 20 años más tarde sería un error, porque no sería Miami Vice, sería la típica recreación pasteloso-nostálgica en plan "20 años después". Lo que necesita esta serie es una recreación como dios manda, y Mann no creo que defraude a estas alturas.


  17. #17
    Aleccionando Avatar de Sargento McKamikaze
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    01 ene, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: ....

    No considero que sea un error si se trata como es debido. De todas maneras es verdad que una buena recreación sería cojonuda, pero... Es díficil. Ya se verá.

    <div style="text-align:center">¿Quieren una predicción del invierno? Yo se la daré. Va a ser frío, va a ser gris... y va a durar el resto de sus vidas.</div></p>

  18. #18
    Only one shot Avatar de the deer hunter
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    25 nov, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: ....

    collin farrell habla de miami vice

    With two little seen indie movies and the quickly panned "Alexander" resulting in not the best year for Irish spunkster Colin Farrell, the boy is now trying something far more mainstream - the Michael Mann-directed, Universal Pictures big screen version of "Miami Vice".

    As previously announced, Farrell will play Det. James "Sonny" Crockett and just the other day he spoke with the Chicago Sun-Times about his involvement which is still not locked in - "I'm not trying on those jackets just yet because I haven't signed, although I'd do anything to work with Michael Mann."

    Why would Farrell sign on to yet another TV adaptation so soon after "S.W.A.T."? "The script is great. The director is great. The worst thing about the project is the title, but as a piece in and of itself it's brilliant...[It] goes deep into the undercover world. It's Mann doing his heavy and tough stuff, with the kind of great dialogue you saw in 'Heat' and 'Collateral'."

    la colección
    Ultimas adquisiciones:
    -2001:una odisea del espacio
    -Tesoros disney:todo sobre donald vol 1
    -El nombre de la rosa EC
    -Miedo y asco en las vegas

    Michael:One shot.that's what it's all about.One shot.(The Deer Hunter (1978))
    Soy Steve jones,el conde del funk,el duque del cool,el ayatolah del rock&roll(El sargento de hierro(1986))

    mis 20 favoritas</p>

  19. #19
    Aleccionando Avatar de Sargento McKamikaze
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    01 ene, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: ....

    Ficha en IMDB

    Se confirma a Farrell como Crockett y lo mejor de todo... ¡Yerkovich en la producción! Tenemos los 80 asegurados entonces.

    Cuento los segundos hasta su estreno...

    <div style="text-align:center">¿Quieren una predicción del invierno? Yo se la daré. Va a ser frío, va a ser gris... y va a durar el resto de sus vidas.</div></p>

  20. #20
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 jun, 02
    3 veces

    Predeterminado Re: ....

    Ah, si lo dice la imdb.... <img src= ALT=":mmmh">

    Amelia : Are you coming or going?
    Viktor Navorski : I don't know. Both.
    (The Terminal, 2004)</span></p>

  21. #21
    Aleccionando Avatar de Sargento McKamikaze
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    01 ene, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: ....

    Se confirma Farrell por otras fuentes, Elliot <img src= ALT=":))">

    <div style="text-align:center">¿Quieren una predicción del invierno? Yo se la daré. Va a ser frío, va a ser gris... y va a durar el resto de sus vidas.</div></p>

  22. #22
    Senior Member Avatar de woody allen
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    30 may, 03
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    Predeterminado Re: ....

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Vice casting details Jan. 18, 2005

    Filming on the feature film adaptation of MIAMI VICE starring Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx is set to begin filming this spring with Michael Mann directing. To date little was known about the film but I got my hands on a casting call for the film that sheds a little bit of light on what we might see in Mann's big-screen vision for Crockett and Tubbs. Each of the main characters will have a love interest in the film. Ricardo Tubbs will be involved with Gina Calabrese, a former New York cop who has been working on the Miami vice squad for six years ith a specialty is high-level computer operations. Sonny Crockett meanwhile looks to Trudy Joplin a "multiethnic," athletic member of the vice squad for wisdom and advice. Unlike Gina, Trudy is more "hands-on" and has expertise in precision weapons. While it's a given that both Crockett and Tubbs would have their ladies, so to speak, it wouldn't be a MIAMI VICE film without an intimidating heavy. Therein lies Archangel De Jesus Montoya-Londono. Say that five times fast. Montoya is the head of an elite drug cartel and is fearless in how he operates. His right-hand man is Jose "Cochi Loco" Yero whose nickname translates to "Crazy Pig". He runs operations, communications and security for Montoya and has a reputation for being....well, a little crazy (you didn't think he got that nickname by picking daisies, did you?). Casting is underway for these roles and the film will go into production in Miami and the Dominican Republic in just a few months.<hr></blockquote>


    un saludo
    <hr />
    <div style="text-align:center"></div>
    <div style="text-align:center">mis dvdeses</div><div style="text-align:center">ladrones, timadores y estafadores? -> sgae</div></p>

  23. #23

    Predeterminado Re: ....

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>starring Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx<hr></blockquote>

    A veces me canso de comentar por el hecho de que unos de los males endémicos del cine español es la saturación producida por la visión reiterada de las mismas caras para los pocos personajes que se inventan para las pírrica cantidad de películas producidas al año.

    Pues es que en Hollywood, pasa los mismo COHONE....<img src= ALT=":((("> <img src= ALT=":(("> (<img src= ALT=":(((">


  24. #24
    Only one shot Avatar de the deer hunter
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    25 nov, 02
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    Predeterminado Re: Re: ....

    Review de latinoreview del guion de miami vice,hay pequeños spoilers,avisados estais.

    Screenplay by Michael Mann
    Based on "Miami Vice" created by Anthony Yerkovich
    El Mayimbe here!

    It's been a while since I did one of these. Will get into details on my absence in another review. But of course you can still count on us to bring you the quality scripts that nobody else got.

    Onto the review.

    Minor Spoilers.

    1st draft. 9/22/04 104 pages

    The Miami of the 80's, that twilight-zone frontier built on coke-fueled cash flow, is over. The frontier development stage is passed. It has BECOME Casablanca. Anything goes; everything has a price.

    And that pretty much sets the stage for the film out from 80's pop culture tv show to a modern day contemporary crime film. And a very good one at that. Most of the T.V. shows from back in the day being made into movies today come out over the top and corny. Not this one. It will stand out. Mann is in top form here. Having the eye for detail, the first draft of Miami Vice reads like a police manual. Full of prose and detail. If you never seen the T.V. show, not to worry. It is not necessary here. This is not an origin film like the pilot episode when Tubbs is a cop from New York down in Miami investigating a murder. In this draft Tubbs and Crockett are already partners. Who is in it from the old show?

    Crockett and Tubbs of course. Gina Calabrese (who is romantically involved with Tubbs and plays a major role in the story), Trudy Joplin (WHO IS NOT ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED AS ERRONEOUSLY REPORTED ON ANOTHER WEBSITE), Switek, Zito, and Lt. Castillio.

    I will try to keep it spoiler free as possible but Crockett's love interest is ISABELLA, Afro Cuban. She also has a major arc in the story, which I won't divulge.

    Spoiler Warning!

    Here is the basic setup of the film:

    ALONZO STEVENS is a CI (confidential informant) for Tubbs whose wife and kid are brutally murdered by these Aryan Brotherhood Nazi Low Rider White Supremacist Types bad guys. Upon hearing the bad news after Crockett and Tubbs intercept him, Stevens committs suicide (INCITING INCIDENT). Because Stevens thought that the goons would let his wife and kid go, he gave up a bunch of FEDS who work undercover as Russian gangsters. The Aryan Brotherhood (bad guys) cream the Feds posing as Russian Gangsters. It becomes personal for Tubbs because he had a thing with Steven's wife before Alonzo hooked up with her. The Feds operational security is blown. There is a mole. Miami Dade PD wasn't involved in the Joint Interagency Task Force of JIT for short. THE CALL TO ADVENTURE: AGENT JAMES FUGIMA of the FBI intervenes --

    But Miami PD wasn't part of the J.I.T. And from what Alonzo said, he didn't give you up.

    So what do you want?

    To recruit you

    ...I didn't want you around the crime scene because it's crawling with federal law enforcement. We don't know who's straight up, who's not...

    Recruit us to do what?

    Get into business with this crew, identify them. Illuminate their network. If you're lucky, discover their source, how they penetrated us. We'll indict and take it from there...

    In order to do that, Crockett and Tubbs have to infiltrate, build trust and drop loads for a Colombian Drug network run by a cat named (and as a Latino I think this name is very unrealistically corny) Archangel de Jesus Montoya-Londono from the North Valle area.

    It is very dangerous. Later in the scene --

    You need to consider a few issues.

    (to Crockett + Tubbs)'d be operating outside territorial United States. Your badges do not count. You have no authorization to carry weapons. If you're busted, it could take a long time to get you re-patriated. And there's no backup...
    (To Fujima)
    And you will share with them all your Intel on Montoya...

    When Fujima leaves the scene --

    (To Tubbs)
    About the Stevens family, I'm sorry. I know you were close to them.

    I was the kids' godfather.


    "And" what?

    I got to know. There is never any room for "personal"...

    (for Tubbs)
    He is fine. And we know the jokes. When it gets vengeful, things get messy. When they get messy the wrong people die...
    Everybody gets it.


    And the answer is "yes."
    Before she met Alonzo, once upon a time, a long time ago.
    You bet it was personal.

    Oh shit look out because here comes Crockett and Tubbs!

    Two other players other than Montoya that will fit into the story later that we meet in La Perla district of San Juan Puerto Rico --


    He's a former right-wing Colombian paramilitary from the North Valle near the Pacific coast. He runs operations, communications, and security. He has cold eyes in a corpulent face. He's notorious for using torture to ferret-out informants.

    Later in the scene --

    As Crockett sits, he notices that at a table a few to the side is a woman. This is ISABELLA. Behind glasses, she seems immobile, filled with intelligence, well-dressed in subdued Tom Ford and staring at him. Reading him. Crockett holds the look that extra beat and turns back to business...

    Who is Isabella besides the love interest to Crockett and what does she do and how she fits in to the story?

    Well ya'll gonna have to find out and go see the movie. I pretty much gave you what I think you are gonna see in a trailer for this movie later in the year.

    But the description and the action are that densely written as the character descriptions above. Mann has an eye for detail. He just doesn't write bullets, he writes what's kind of bullets and millimeters. He goes into details on police procedural, tactics, firearms, drugs, and the works. The structure is tight and the story moves pretty fast. The script is a fast 104 pages. There isn't much of a character arc but there is a love story in there. Aryan Brother hood and Colombian bad guys. Looks like Crockett and Tubbs are in over their heads, and trust me they are. The story is very much in the vein of Mann's other crime stories like Thief and Heat.

    Overall, a good and entertaining read.

    la colección
    Ultimas adquisiciones:
    -Taxi driver
    -El beso de la pantera
    -El último mohicano
    -Slayer:still reigning
    -David Bowie:a reality tour

    Michael:One shot.that's what it's all about.One shot.(The Deer Hunter (1978))
    Soy Steve jones,el conde del funk,el duque del cool,el ayatolah del rock&roll(El sargento de hierro(1986))

    mis 20 favoritas</p>

  25. #25
    Senior Member Avatar de woody allen
    Fecha de ingreso
    30 may, 03
    117 veces

    Predeterminado Re: 'Miami Vice' de Michael Mann

    <blockquote>Quote:<hr>Michael Mann is currently scouting locations in Miami for his update of the classic 80's TV show "Miami Vice" and he apparently has some interest in Little Havana and Little Haiti.

    The Palm Beach Post pegs the film at having a $100 million budget and will feature car chases, South American drug lords and explosions - sounds very 80's indeed.

    Meanwhile, IGN FilmForce was advised by a source that two veterans of Michael Mann films, specifically Wes Studi and Danny Trejo, were up for roles.

    Checking with their reps, they confirmed that Trejo "is under consideration for two roles in the project" whilst Studi's would not confirm or deny that Studi had been approached although coyly hinted they might be right.

    Thanks to 'B. Payne' & 'Stax'.<hr></blockquote>

    un saludo
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    <div style="text-align:center"></div>
    <div style="text-align:center">mis dvdeses</div><div style="text-align:center">ladrones, timadores y estafadores? -> sgae</div></p>

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