Cita Iniciado por Branagh/Doyle Ver mensaje
Nolan, sobre porque no hay violencia explicita o sangre en Dunkerque.

"For Dunkirk, we watched a really wide range of movies. Steven Spielberg lent me his print of Saving Private Ryan," Nolan told Fandango during an extensive chat prior to the film's release. "What an extraordinary experience, the power of that [film]. Interestingly, that [film] pushes in a different direction because of the intensity, and the gore, and the horror of those sequences. I realized what I wanted for Dunkirk was suspense. The thing about suspense is you can't take your eyes off the screen, and when you're confronted by sheer horror, you tend to avert your eyes. It tends to shut you off to it. We wanted your eyes to be riveted on the screen, so we wanted to create tension in a different way. It's a different form of intensity, I suppose."
Para eso tenemos a Mel Gibson y "Hasta el último hombre", Vaya hora final tiene esa película, casquería incluida. Cada director tiene su visión y su forma de contar las cosas, y todo depende de lo que nos quieran transmitir.