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Tema: Rogue One: Una historia de Star Wars (Rogue One, 2016, Gareth Edwards)

  1. #526
    Fecha de ingreso
    21 may, 06
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Mi teoría: Edwards y su equipo tuvieron los cojones suficientes para rodar algo con identidad propia -sello de autor- y el estudio no pasará por ese aro.

    Vayamos haciéndonos a la idea de que veremos cinco películas calcadas a la trilogía clásica y más después de que El despertar de La Fuerza superara los 2000 millones de dólares en recaudación. Que no digo que sea bueno o malo, digo que es lo que hay.

    O lo que yo creo que hay.

  2. #527
    sabio Avatar de david227
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    A mí me parece un error querer seguir una línea única para todos los productos.
    Creo que uno de los aciertos de Marvel es permitir productos diferentes como lo fueron Guardianes de la Galaxia o Ant Man, o lo que apunta que va a ser Dr Extraño. Ni que decir la maravilla que es Daredevil que se aleja completamente del universo Vengadores. Lucasfilm debería hacer lo mismo con los Spin off y dar margen de maniobra a sus directores. Los 1.000 millones los tienen asegurados y a 2.000 no van a llegar por mucho que se empeñen.
    Marty_McFly ha agradecido esto.

  3. #528
    We don't care about Avatar de PrimeCallahan
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    El error de Disney (ellos se lo han buscado, no se que pensaban) fue el fichar a Gareth Edwards, si quieres un producto que se amolde a tu producto taquillero, no fiches a directores con personalidad, sino a unos cuantos mercenarios y ya esta, pero si quieres un producto con un tono y personalidad marcados, dejalo estar.

    Lo que sigue sorprendiendo es que sigan insistendo en que El Despertar de la Fuerza es EL modelo, recordemos que la peli sigue el esquema de la saga numerica: hay drama, epica, diversion y accion, bajo ese elemento fantastico de princesas, caballeros y magos, pero es que Star Wars, hay mas fuera de eso: el elemento de espionaje belico de Rogue One iba a dar un aire fresco a una franquicia que esta en un molde. A mi gusto mucho El Despertar de la Fuerza, pero implementar un tono a un film que es tan distinto, no se, podria salir un Guardianes de la Galaxia, peli que tambien me gusta mucho, pero a mi ese elemento belico que tenia Edwards en mente, me parecia bastante fascinante.

    Pero tampoco es todo malo, Tony Gilroy me parece un guionista excelente, debo ser de los pocos que les gusto El Legado de Bourne.
    Marty_McFly y Zack han agradecido esto.

  4. #529
    Chico del futuro Avatar de Marty_McFly
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    The Playlist asegura que Tony Gilroy hará algo más que escribir los reshoots:

    "Realmente Gilroy también va a supervisar, si no dirigir, los reshoots él mismo"
    david227 ha agradecido esto.
    I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.(HUGO)

  5. #530
    We don't care about Avatar de PrimeCallahan
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Cita Iniciado por Marty_McFly Ver mensaje
    The Playlist asegura que Tony Gilroy hará algo más que escribir los reshoots:

    "Realmente Gilroy también va a supervisar, si no dirigir, los reshoots él mismo"
    Ojo, dice que Scott Z. Burns tambien esta abordo, cuando otras fuentes solo mencionan a Gilroy

  6. #531
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 jun, 06
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Un artículo de la Entertainment Weekly, que asegura tener una fuente muy fiable y que ha hablado con ellos (de Lucasfilm), nos saca de dudas acerca de todos los rumores que ha habido los últimos días. Resumo aquí en castellano todo lo relevante y dejo al final el link a la noticia original para los interesados:

    Spoiler Spoiler:
    Jp1138 y david227 han agradecido esto.

  7. #532
    Chico del futuro Avatar de Marty_McFly
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Compañero, esa información salió hace ya unas semanas y se puso en el hilo. Desde entonces han salido informaciones que apuntan a que lo que decía Hollywood Reporter es verdad (como que hayan contratado a un reputado especialista en escenas de acción), léete las últimas dos páginas.

    Lo que se dice en internet es que Entertainment Weekly con ese informe estaba haciendo "control de daños", dados sus vínculos con Disney:

    Entertainment Weekly has a very close relationship with Disney, so a report from them over the weekend claiming to clear up what's happening with those Rogue One: A Star Wars reshoots inevitably felt like damage control on the part of the studio who had fed them the information to clear up fan concerns.
    ValenBTTF, Zack, david227 y 1 usuarios han agradecido esto.
    I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.(HUGO)

  8. #533
    sabio Avatar de xpiogus
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Portada EW

    ValenBTTF, kintarovsky, Dr. Morbius y 6 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  9. #534
    Senior Member Avatar de Synch
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Darth Vader is in Star Wars: Rogue One

    It had been rumoured, but now EW have confirmed that Darth Vader is going to be in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and I couldn’t be happier. Hopefully, there will be a new trailer showing Vader in all his glory. I really hope we see him involved in a huge battle.

    Gareth Edwards (Godzilla, Monsters) is directing Rogue One, which tells the story of resistance fighters who have united to steal plans to the dreaded Death Star. The film is produced by Kathleen Kennedy and is slated for a December 16, 2016 release.

    The film stars Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, and Riz Ahmed.

    Minor spoilers ahead.

    You can see the EW cover below and it shows the taller, slimmer walkers known as AT-ACTs hauling cargo, and flatter, fang-like interceptors known as TIE Strikers. The issue will also feature new information about Jyn Erso (The Theory of Everything’s Felicity Jones), the outlaw who has clashed with both the Rebellion and the Empire, and now has a chance to clear her ledger of past wrongs by leading a mission for the good guys. It’s also personal – her father, played by Mads Mikkelsen, is a scientist whose knowledge is sought by both sides.
    I am so excited for this film.
    Marty_McFly, ValenBTTF, Dr. Morbius y 4 usuarios han agradecido esto.
    Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready
    for the big moments.No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it
    does.So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are
    gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that
    counts. That's when you find out who you are. You'll see what I mean.

    Whistler (Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 2x21 Becoming, Part One - Joss Whedon)

  10. #535
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 jun, 06
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    TheMadHatter ha agradecido esto.

  11. #536
    Senior Member Avatar de Brando
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones)

    Captain Cassian Andor (Diego Luna)

    Chirrut Imwe (Donnie Yen)

    Baze Malbus (Jiang Wen)

    Bodhi Rook (Riz Ahmed)

    K-2SO (Alan Tudyk)

    Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen)

    Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn)

    y aqui el misterio

    ???? (Forest Whitaker)

    revelaran su nombre mas tarde, parece que es un personaje ya conocido, quien sera?

    This character has a past that Star Wars completists will recognize immediately when they see his name, even if he looks very different than the way they've seen him elsewhere. (He even looks different from when we saw him in the teaser trailer.) There's so much to say about this character, we’re going to save his revelation for later today.
    Check back to around 2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT for a deeper exploration of this shadowy figure ...

    Última edición por Brando; 22/06/2016 a las 19:39
    Jp1138, Marty_McFly, ValenBTTF y 6 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  12. #537
    maestro Avatar de Sergio220
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Cita Iniciado por Marty_McFly Ver mensaje
    Compañero, esa información salió hace ya unas semanas y se puso en el hilo. Desde entonces han salido informaciones que apuntan a que lo que decía Hollywood Reporter es verdad (como que hayan contratado a un reputado especialista en escenas de acción), léete las últimas dos páginas.

    Lo que se dice en internet es que Entertainment Weekly con ese informe estaba haciendo "control de daños", dados sus vínculos con Disney:

    Entertainment Weekly has a very close relationship with Disney, so a report from them over the weekend claiming to clear up what's happening with those Rogue One: A Star Wars reshoots inevitably felt like damage control on the part of the studio who had fed them the information to clear up fan concerns.
    Una pregunta de eso de los vinculos en EW y Disney a que se refieren a que las 2 forman parte del mismo grupo empresarial o algo parecido ?

  13. #538
    We don't care about Avatar de PrimeCallahan
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Me encanta la definicion del droide que hace Edwards: 'Es la antitesis de C3PO, le importa una m*** las relaciones humanas'
    ValenBTTF, Tripley, Zack y 2 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  14. #539
    Senior Member Avatar de Brando
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Cita Iniciado por Brando Ver mensaje

    y aqui el misterio

    ???? (Forest Whitaker)

    revelaran su nombre mas tarde, parece que es un personaje ya conocido, quien sera?

    This character has a past that Star Wars completists will recognize immediately when they see his name, even if he looks very different than the way they've seen him elsewhere. (He even looks different from when we saw him in the teaser trailer.) There's so much to say about this character, we’re going to save his revelation for later today.
    Check back to around 2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT for a deeper exploration of this shadowy figure ...

    Se acabo el misterio
    Forest Whitaker hace de "Saw Gerrera", que es un personaje conocido si has visto la serie de animacion Star Wars Clone Wars

    Meet Saw Gerrera, an old-time insurgent from 'The Clone Wars'

    Última edición por Brando; 22/06/2016 a las 20:23
    Jp1138, Dr. Morbius, Zack y 3 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  15. #540
    Keyblade Master Avatar de TheMadHatter
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Aquí comentan el anuncio de los personajes de Rogue One:

    Dr. Morbius, Synch y david227 han agradecido esto.

  16. #541
    maestro Avatar de Javi-Wan Kenobi
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Cita Iniciado por Brando Ver mensaje
    Se acabo el misterio
    Forest Whitaker hace de "Saw Gerrera", que es un personaje conocido si has visto la serie de animacion Star Wars Clone Wars
    Me ha sorprendido esta noticia. Está bien que den cohesión al nuevo Canon con este tipo de detalles. Lástima que, si interactúa con Darth Vader, se puedan perder muchos matices si no se ha visto previamente la serie

  17. #542
    Keyblade Master Avatar de TheMadHatter
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Jp1138, arcanoid, Marty_McFly y 8 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  18. #543
    Fecha de ingreso
    24 may, 05
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Cada vez tengo mas ganas de verla por lo que se aprecia.
    Jack007 y ValenBTTF han agradecido esto.

  19. #544
    Senior Member Avatar de Brando
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Cita Iniciado por TheMadHatter Ver mensaje

    Que lleva en la mano... un muñeco stormtrooper?
    Dr. Morbius, Zack, david227 y 1 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  20. #545
    Senior Member Avatar de Dr. Morbius
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Última edición por Dr. Morbius; 23/06/2016 a las 21:33
    Jau79, Zack, padmeluke y 1 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  21. #546
    Keyblade Master Avatar de TheMadHatter
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Gareth Edwards y su equipo hablan sobre los reshoots de Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    Rogue One creators address reshoot concerns

    What is true and false?

    Rumors about the reshoots are so varied, it’s had to know what to believe. Some reports say nearly half the movie is being redone and that the tone is being shifted from heavy war film to a lighthearted caper.

    EW’s sources have insisted that’s impossible — that an effects-heavy film like this couldn’t reshoot that much of its story in the summer and still be finished in time for the Dec. 16 debut. In our own deep-dive into the rumors, we found that about five weeks of reshoots were set, wrapping up just before Star Wars Celebration in mid-July.

    Our confidential sources also revealed that Bourne screenwriter and Michael Clayton filmmaker Tony Gilroy was being brought in to write additional dialogue and direct some secondary units on the movie — alongside director Gareth Edwards, who collaborated with Gilroy in a similar capacity on 2014’s Godzilla.

    But what fans want to know is: Why? What do they need that they didn’t capture the first time?

    The movie has not been screened for test audiences, but EW’s sources on the film say that Lucasfilm’s in-house braintrust — which weighs in on films similarly to the way it’s done at Pixar — felt Rogue One needed to punch up its emotion and action beats. (They also confirm that although it went largely unreported last year, The Force Awakens also underwent weeks of reshoots in the summer of 2015.)

    What do the filmmakers say?

    Edwards was candid about the situation and even acknowledged in the interview that he was due back on set in the morning.

    “I mean it was always part of the plan to do reshoots. We always knew we were coming back somewhere to do stuff. We just didn’t know what it would be until we started sculpting the film in the edit,” he says.

    What’s the nature of the material being reshot? “There’s lots of little things that we have to get, but it’s all little things within the preexisting footage,” he said. One complication, he added, was that the cast is large, so individual shots with small groups of them add to the schedule.

    “Obviously, you’ve got to work around everyone’s schedule, and everyone’s on different films all over the world, and so it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare,” he said. “That’s why I think it’s been blown out of proportion a little bit.”

    He sounded exasperated by the wilder rumors. “It’s funny, making a film stops you believing anything you’ve ever read on the Internet,” he said.

    Kathleen Kennedy, the president of Lucasfilm and producer of Rogue One, said the tone of the movie — which was billed as a Band of Brothers-style combat tale at last year’s Celebration event — isn’t being altered.

    “There’s nothing about the story that’s changing, with a few things that we’re picking up in additional photography,” she said. “I think that’s the most important thing, to reassure fans that it’s the movie we intended to make.”

    What is the tone?

    By all accounts, it’s still a war film. Always has been, from the first pitch by ILM visual effects supervisor John Knoll, and will be when it hits theaters in December.

    “One of the things we’re doing with these Star Wars stories is embracing the uniqueness of the different genres, and we’re very deliberately leaning into the various styles of directors that we’re approaching so that each of these movies will very intentionally have a very different tone and style from the saga films,” Kennedy says, referring to the trilogy movies. “Gareth has shown a stylistic preference that’s much more handheld, visceral, inside-the-action kind of feel.”

    She said that remains the look and the feel of Rogue One. “He does a lot of handheld, intimate, close-up work. That’s not something you’ve necessarily seen in a Star Wars movie before,” Kennedy says. “And we brought in [cinematographer] Greig Fraser, to shoot it, who had done Zero Dark Thirty. So a combination of Greig and Gareth has been, I think, fantastic, and it just gives it a really unique style.”

    Edwards reiterated that the hardscrabble vibe of the movie has not been undermined.

    “I’d definitely describe it as: It’s got dark tone,” he said. “The studio has been very supportive of that. I mean, the sort of tone we were going for when we started was the tone you have in films like The Empire Strikes Back. And that’s not in any way been compromised.”

    What happens now?

    After the reshoots wrap and the new footage is woven into the movie, the edit is on track to be locked in August, with the score by Alexandre Desplat and the sound effects added in September. (By comparison, The Force Awakens locked its edit in October.)

    Another thing they’re grappling with, Kennedy says, (and it has nothing to do with the reshoots) is whether Rogue One should incorporate some of the standard tropes of a Star Wars film, like an opening crawl, or whether it should distance itself stylistically from the “saga” trilogy films.

    “We talk about that all the time. It’s something that we’re right in the midst of discussing even now, so I don’t want to say definitively what we’re doing,” she said. “The crawl and some of those elements live so specifically within the ‘saga’ films that we are having a lot of discussion about what will define the [stand-alone] Star Wars Stories separate and apart from the saga films. So we’re right in the middle of talking about that.”

    Whatever they decide will likely set a new template for future stand-alone films. The next one, based on the adventures of a young Han Solo, is coming in 2018.

    As for the reshoots on Rogue One, it’s as natural for the people involved in a film to want to protect it as it is for fans of a franchise to feel anxious or uncertain about it. Edwards said he understood the concern. “We have a lot of attention on this. I’d be [worried] the same if I wasn’t involved in it,” he said. “So it’s just part of the privilege of making Star Wars. But hopefully, people will get to see it when it comes out, and everyone will feel the same way we do.”

    He also said fans should try to understand that retooling is an important part of telling a story. “A film is a very creative, organic process, and it evolves over time,” he says. “There’s no right or wrong. There’s just ‘better’ and ‘best,’ and with Star Wars, nothing but the best is going to do. So we’re just putting a lot of pressure on ourselves until the very end, making this the greatest film it can be.”

    Rogue One tells the story of how the Rebels acquired the plans that revealed the Death Star had a fatal flaw — that tiny port that allowed Luke Skywalker to fly in and blow it up with one shot.

    Whatever you choose to believe about the reshoots, there may be a metaphor there: If the Empire could go back and plug that exhaust hole in the Death Star, wouldn’t that just make sense?
    Jp1138, Marty_McFly, Zack y 3 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  22. #547
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 jun, 06
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    ChuacheFan y TheMadHatter han agradecido esto.

  23. #548
    Keyblade Master Avatar de TheMadHatter
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Marty_McFly, ValenBTTF, Zack y 5 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  24. #549
    Fecha de ingreso
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Yo, personalmente, veo guiños a la Guerra de Vietnam, algo que, personalmente, me gusta.

  25. #550
    We don't care about Avatar de PrimeCallahan
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    04 jun, 13
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars Rogue One - Spin-off (Gareth Edwards, 16-12-2016)

    Cita Iniciado por ValenBTTF Ver mensaje
    Yo, personalmente, veo guiños a la Guerra de Vietnam, algo que, personalmente, me gusta.
    Edwards comentaba que la cinta seria con camara en mano (muy alejado de como se suele filmar Star Wars) y la secuencia de las Maldivas se penso para hacer una set-piece sacada de la 2ª Guerra Mundial en el teatro del Pacifico.
    Marty_McFly y ValenBTTF han agradecido esto.

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