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Tema: Star Wars

  1. #4476
    We don't care about Avatar de PrimeCallahan
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    04 jun, 13
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por Ponyo_11 Ver mensaje
    Eso hace 30 o 40 años. Argumento irrelevante. Estamos hablando de hoy, el ambiente es muy diferente con las redes sociales.

    Creo que o no se me entiende bien o estoy argumentando con el culo, que puede pasar y se admite sin problemas.
    Star Trek Discovery es de 2017 y te incluye perlas como insinuaciones de que por ser mujer y negra (no por rango) te machaquen (ademas de que ser hermana de Spock, si, hermana de Spock)

    El nivel ya estaba bajo y fue a peor, pero mucho.
    BruceTimm, Ponyo_11 y padmeluke han agradecido esto.

  2. #4477
    maestro Avatar de DIEZ MIL
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    18 mar, 21
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Hooper X intensifies.

    Me suena que tras el estreno del Episodio IV hubo quejas de que era todo muy blanco y que dónde estaban los negros.
    "Entré directamente, a lo Bogart, como habia hecho cien veces antes"

  3. #4478
    Crew Expendable Avatar de Muthur
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por Branagh/Doyle Ver mensaje
    Creo que se refiere a que si adoptan esta forma de proceder (que lo han hecho, tal como has descrito en tu post anterior), reciben críticas del cinefilo sensato que no comulga con ruedas de molino, mientras que si optan por no hacerlo, recibirían palos del sector woke comprometido con la causa.
    Cita Iniciado por Ponyo_11 Ver mensaje
    No. Me refiero, a que, de igual manera, en un mundo alternativo en el que Star Wars Disney hubiera sido de otra manera, la que no se considera woke, habría quejas por no incluir personajes femeninos, diversidad, etc.

    No es una defensa a Disney tampoco. Mi frase en inglés lo explica literal; hicieran lo que hicieran, cualquiera de las dos maneras, woke o no woke, en los dos caminos alternativos se hubieran llevado palos. Así es la cosa. No es una excusa tampoco. Pero es así de compleja la situación.
    Pues estoy en completo desacuerdo, en ese caso. Eso de que hacer "lo contrario" también recibiría rechazo es un mantra facilón, pero sin ninguna base ni sentido. Hay títulos a paladas en los últimos años con protagonistas "machos" e incluso "machirulos" (DeadPool, John Wick, James Bond, Creed...) y realmente no pasa nada; tienen un target concreto y listo, no hay campañas de boicot ni memeces similares. Cada uno es libre de consumirlas o no. El problema es cuando esa inclusión es "forzada" y se hace de forma exhibicionista por razones espúreas, y no de forma orgánica y natural. Ahí tienes títulos como Lucy, Fury Road, Wonder Woman, Alita, con protagonistas femeninas fuertes y "empoderadas", pero que son historias interesantes y que no hacen ese tonto proselitismo y autobombo de activistas de 12 años... ¿Alguien se queja de que John Wick es demasiado masculino o de que Alita es femenina por alguna agenda oculta? Pues no, ni mucho menos. Son historias, más o menos interesantes, con algo que contar. Por el otro lado hay cosas como Captain Marvel, La Sirenita o la serie de Lord of the Rings (no recuerdo el nombre). Creo que es fácil distinguir ambos conceptos.

    Cuando el sexo/etnia/orientación sexual del protagonista es LO importante, y no la historia, es cuando la burra no te la compra nadie, más allá de esos activistas de redes sociales que son de darle mucho a retweet buscando likes fáciles, y de pensar poco.
    Última edición por Muthur; 30/05/2024 a las 17:40
    HanSolo, BruceTimm, PrimeCallahan y 1 usuarios han agradecido esto.

  4. #4479
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Completamente de acuerdo contigo Muthur, hasta la última coma. Si es que no tiene más.

    PD: Calla que todavía estoy en shock. Medios que le han dado la máxima calificación posible a Capitana Marvel en su día dicen que Megalopolis es poco menos que el anti cine, lo peor de lo peor de lo peor. Y no estoy exagerando.
    BruceTimm, PrimeCallahan y Muthur han agradecido esto.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

  5. #4480
    We don't care about Avatar de PrimeCallahan
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    04 jun, 13
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por Branagh/Doyle Ver mensaje

    PD: Calla que todavía estoy en shock. Medios que le han dado la máxima calificación posible a Capitana Marvel en su día dicen que Megalopolis es poco menos que el anti cine, lo peor de lo peor de lo peor. Y no estoy exagerando.
    Que me pasen lo que se meten.

    BruceTimm y Branagh/Doyle han agradecido esto.

  6. #4481
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por PrimeCallahan Ver mensaje
    Que me pasen lo que se meten.

    Joder, me encanta que lo digas así de contundente. Y sin haberla visto. Pero es que aunque se le haya ido la cabeza por completo y sea su peor película de lejos (de momento a nivel de encuadres el teaser e imaginería visual lo muestra en plena forma), dudo MUCHO que Megalopolis sea inferior a Capitana Marvel. Porque para empezar, esta gente dice que Capitana Marvel, en su género, es una obra maestra que abre camino. O sea que por ahí ya vamos mal.

    PD: La respuesta de mi post por parte de BruceTimm ya la veo venir: No tengo que ver Megalopolis. No me hace falta. Que puede ser un desastre, pues puede, no lo sabré hasta que no la vea. Pero no me hace falta verla para esto. Muestrame una película del MCU, una sola, que tenga alguna composición igual de inspirada que las que muestra ese teaser. Aquí te espero. Evidencia empírica.

    BruceTimm, Ponyo_11 y PrimeCallahan han agradecido esto.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

  7. #4482
    We don't care about Avatar de PrimeCallahan
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    04 jun, 13
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por Branagh/Doyle Ver mensaje
    Joder, me encanta que lo digas así de contundente. Y sin haberla visto. Pero es que aunque se le haya ido la cabeza por completo y sea su peor película de lejos (de momento a nivel de encuadres el teaser e imaginería visual lo muestra en plena forma), dudo MUCHO que Megalopolis sea inferior a Capitana Marvel. Porque para empezar, esta gente dice que Capitana Marvel, en su género, es una obra maestra que abre camino. O sea que por ahí ya vamos mal.
    Claro, esas lecturas son claramente impulsadas por el grupo habitual de influencers y busqueda de notoriedad (Chris Gore es muy sabio al decir que 'la gente que pulula en redes u corporaciones no sabe de cine porque la historia del cine se la pasan por el arco del triunfo' -palabras mas o menos literales-) que buscan el like barato y el momento de gloria en su habitual red.

    Recuerdese que cuando se estreno Capitana Marvel ya se rondaba el lecturismo de 'si no te gusta la peli es que eres machista', luego tenias a la mitad de otros criticos ya apluendiendo el filme (catalogandolo como lo mejor parido de Marvel en años, un año despues de Infinity War) para justificarse el ir a premieres y ver pelis en pases exclusivos. Vomitivo.
    BruceTimm y Branagh/Doyle han agradecido esto.

  8. #4483
    Don está desconectado
    gurú Avatar de Don
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    01 oct, 07
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por Branagh/Doyle Ver mensaje
    Completamente de acuerdo contigo Muthur, hasta la última coma. Si es que no tiene más.

    PD: Calla que todavía estoy en shock. Medios que le han dado la máxima calificación posible a Capitana Marvel en su día dicen que Megalopolis es poco menos que el anti cine, lo peor de lo peor de lo peor. Y no estoy exagerando.
    Una cosa es el medio y otra el crítico, ¿no? Quizás al crítico al que Capitana Marvel le gusta también le guste Megalópolis.

    Que igual estoy hilando muy fino por aquello de la línea editorial y demás pero quiero creer que aún quedan críticos que pueden expresarse de manera independiente.

  9. #4484
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por Don Ver mensaje
    Una cosa es el medio y otra el crítico, ¿no? Quizás al crítico al que Capitana Marvel le gusta también le guste Megalópolis.

    Que igual estoy hilando muy fino por aquello de la línea editorial y demás pero quiero creer que aún quedan críticos que pueden expresarse de manera independiente.
    Pues si, pero se llama Acción Cine. También es verdad que están orientados a lo que están orientados. Cine comercial de acción.
    Don, BruceTimm y PrimeCallahan han agradecido esto.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

  10. #4485
    Don está desconectado
    gurú Avatar de Don
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    01 oct, 07
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por Branagh/Doyle Ver mensaje
    Pues si, pero se llama Acción Cine. También es verdad que están orientados a lo que están orientados. Cine comercial de acción.
    Ah vale, no caía en que te referías a ellos. Bueno, a ellos, Alejandro G. Calvo, Ángel Salas y alguno más yo es que ni los tengo en consideración
    Branagh/Doyle ha agradecido esto.

  11. #4486
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por Don Ver mensaje
    Ah vale, no caía en que te referías a ellos. Bueno, a ellos, Alejandro G. Calvo, Ángel Salas y alguno más yo es que ni los tengo en consideración
    Interesante. Calvo es el de Sensacine, ¿no?. Las reseñas que le he visto al menos parecen mesuradas, racionales, sin dejarse llevar por histrionismos. Ya es algo. Y Angel Sala... ¿el director del festival de cine de Sitges?. Tengo gratos recuerdos de este hombre debido a sus audiocomentarios en algunas ediciones en DVD y BD. Muy apasionado. Pero como crítico de cine la verdad es que no conozco nada suyo, ni su estilo.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

  12. #4487
    Senior Member Avatar de ChuacheFan
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    30 nov, 11
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    La presidenta de Lucasfilm habla sobre la problemática fanbase de Star Wars, donde "predominan los hombres"


  13. #4488
    Don está desconectado
    gurú Avatar de Don
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    01 oct, 07
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por Branagh/Doyle Ver mensaje
    Interesante. Calvo es el de Sensacine, ¿no?. Las reseñas que le he visto al menos parecen mesuradas, racionales, sin dejarse llevar por histrionismos. Ya es algo. Y Angel Sala... ¿el director del festival de cine de Sitges?. Tengo gratos recuerdos de este hombre debido a sus audiocomentarios en algunas ediciones en DVD y BD. Muy apasionado. Pero como crítico de cine la verdad es que no conozco nada suyo, ni su estilo.
    Ángel Salas me parece un tipo bastante pedante, sacando lecturas inexistentes de películas para adecuarlas a su discurso y con alguna reculada que otra.

    Calvo pues me parece un tipo bastante superficial en las críticas que le he visto. Abusa de la comparación y me parece bastante simplón. Entiendo que va dirigido a un público joven y tal pero... Luego la línea editorial de su web es cuestionable y ya lo de pagar a redactores con agradecimientos...

    Luego los Payán y Usero pues... llevan viviendo de esto como 30 años y aún no entiendo bien cómo.
    Branagh/Doyle ha agradecido esto.

  14. #4489
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Cita Iniciado por Don Ver mensaje
    Ángel Salas me parece un tipo bastante pedante, sacando lecturas inexistentes de películas para adecuarlas a su discurso y con alguna reculada que otra.

    Calvo pues me parece un tipo bastante superficial en las críticas que le he visto. Abusa de la comparación y me parece bastante simplón. Entiendo que va dirigido a un público joven y tal pero... Luego la línea editorial de su web es cuestionable y ya lo de pagar a redactores con agradecimientos...

    Luego los Payán y Usero pues... llevan viviendo de esto como 30 años y aún no entiendo bien cómo.
    Payan y Usero se ven campechanos y buena gente, y sus vídeos son muy entretenidos. Debe ser eso. Por lo demás, he visto un montón de cosas de ellos y mi principal problema, sin entrar en cuestiones analiticas, es que tienden a ponerle cuatro o cinco estrellas A TODO. Da igual el año, el género, o el director. Es alucinante. Eso no es serio, hombre. Y no argumentan demasiado, se dejan llevar por filias y fobias.

    Tengo que ver cosas de Sala como crítico a ver qué me parece. En los audiocomentarios de películas parece muy entuasiasta, al menos se nota que le apasiona el cine fantástico y de terror. Pero es verdad que a veces, en una secuencia determinada, de repente entra en disertaciones sobre el supuesto subtexto de la misma que son un poco... bueno, que no tienen demasiado fundamento. No obstante siempre intenta ir mas allá del me gusta/no me gusta y personalmente eso lo valoro.

    Calvo me parece el más centrado de todos ellos, si bien es verdad que como dices no destaca por su capacidad para profundizar. Pero está bien, correcto a secas.

    Muchas gracias por el post, compañero.
    Don y PrimeCallahan han agradecido esto.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

  15. #4490
    maestro Avatar de Warren Keffer
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    05 sep, 07
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Memes para todos los gustos

  16. #4491
    Amante de Bella Note Avatar de Ponyo_11
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    05 mar, 11
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Espero veros a unos cuantos por aquí y que llevéis vuestra mejor ropa de luto.

  17. #4492
    Maestro Avatar de BruceTimm
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    24 oct, 07
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Murió a finales de 2012. Se sabe. Ese duelo ya pasó.
    RIP, Sir Pratchett.

    «¿Me permites una crítica constructiva a la mierda esa que has hecho?»

    «En la primera reunión con él sobre el futuro de Star Wars, George se sintió traicionado» B. Iger.

    «El mal no puede crear nada nuevo, sólo corromper o arruinar lo que las fuerzas del bien han inventado o construido». J.R.R. Tolkien.

    «DEI kills ART. It´s ineffective and actually appears to increase prejudice, not reduce it».

    «Put a chick in it and make her gay and lame». Cartman as K.K.

  18. #4493
    Amante de Bella Note Avatar de Ponyo_11
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    05 mar, 11
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    Cita Iniciado por BruceTimm Ver mensaje
    Murió a finales de 2012. Se sabe. Ese duelo ya pasó.
    Sí, eso mismo es lo que dice la foto, sí. Pero se está organizando una especie de funeral. En recuerdo de lo que una vez Star Wars fue.

  19. #4494
    Maestro Avatar de BruceTimm
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    24 oct, 07
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Lo que decía, que van más de una década tarde.

    Podría ser interesante si organizan acciones de reparación moral a lo release the Snyder cut. Si es así, que cuenten con mi sable. Si es el típico esperpento mediático estridente y abyecto (tan habitual en Kennedyfilm), que se vayan a la mierda. Tendrían que haber estado en la trinchera cuando tocaba, como hizo servidor.
    Versta2 y PrimeCallahan han agradecido esto.
    RIP, Sir Pratchett.

    «¿Me permites una crítica constructiva a la mierda esa que has hecho?»

    «En la primera reunión con él sobre el futuro de Star Wars, George se sintió traicionado» B. Iger.

    «El mal no puede crear nada nuevo, sólo corromper o arruinar lo que las fuerzas del bien han inventado o construido». J.R.R. Tolkien.

    «DEI kills ART. It´s ineffective and actually appears to increase prejudice, not reduce it».

    «Put a chick in it and make her gay and lame». Cartman as K.K.

  20. #4495
    experto Avatar de Jedpow
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    11 abr, 13
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    INDEPENDENCE DAY: A Star Wars Story.

  21. #4496
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the theatrical debut of the first episode of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, The Legacy of John Williams presents a 3-part video tribute featuring editorially-created “visual tone poems” enhancing the storytelling qualities of John Williams’ brilliant scores composed for the films written and directed by George Lucas through the combination of music and concept artwork

    Part One: “Unrest In The Galaxy” – A Symphonic Narrative for Orchestra from STAR WARS: EPISODE I – THE PHANTOM MENACE (1999) - Music by JOHN WILLIAMS“

    John Williams communicates so beautifully that I could make silent films.” – George Lucas

    For the first episode of the STAR WARS prequel trilogy, “The Phantom Menace,” composer John Williams returned to the galaxy far far away with a grand symphonic score that perfectly captures the awe and wonder of George Lucas’ ambitious narrative. In addition to the reprise of a few classic themes from the original trilogy (mainly the main title theme and the Force theme), Williams composed a series of brand new themes and set-pieces that greatly support and enhance all the various aspects of the story.

    From the sweet and innocent theme for young 8-years old boy Anakin Skywalker (already hinting at his tragic destiny…) to the powerhouse cantata for chorus and orchestra accompanying the climactic lightsaber duel of Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi with Sith Lord Darth Maul, “The Phantom Menace” is filled with heroic gestures and dramatic flair that propel the action on screen, but also with a noble, heartfelt and lyrical character that gives the score an even richer and more expansive quality. “I wanted to find the human aspect of the story before going to action sequences,” Williams said in 1999. “I also wanted to ground the music in the action scenes look more human and emotional theme.”

    This suite has been created editorially by juxtaposing and conjoining some of the cues as presented on the various soundtrack releases, as if to present it as a coherent concert suite; it focuses on the key moments of the story to create a symphonic musical narrative that can be appreciated also as “pure” music. The visuals are designs and illustrations by some of the concept artists who worked on the film (Doug Chiang, Iain McCaig, Terryl Whitlatch), used here to create a sort of “visual tone poem” in the style of classical works such as "Pictures at an Exhibition."

    The music is splendidly performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and the London Voices, conducted by John Williams

    BruceTimm, myst, david227 y 4 usuarios han agradecido esto.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

  22. #4497
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, The Legacy of John Williams presents a 3-part video tribute featuring editorially-created visual tone poems enhancing the storytelling qualities of John Williams’ brilliant scores composed for the three films written and directed by George Lucas through the combination of music and concept artwork

    Part Two: “IN LOVE AND WAR” – A Narrative Suite for Orchestra from STAR WARS: EPISODE II – ATTACK OF THE CLONES (2002)

    “When we think about love stories, I think of Romeo and Juliet, or Tristan and Isolde, or these kinds of things where the lovers are separated by rank, or by religion or family or class, and that's the case here also–that forbidden aspect that prevents the lovers from being completely together until they share love eternal, if you like, the idea of love beyond time. So it's a love theme, but it also has a tragic aspect to it that extends it into time beyond death.” – John Williams

    For the second episode of the STAR WARS prequel trilogy, ATTACK OF THE CLONES, director George Lucas asked composer John Williams to write a love theme that would accompany and support the romantic relationship of Anakin Skywaker and Padme Amidala as star-crossed lovers, torn between the duty towards their respective public life and an intense inescapable romance, while turmoil in the galaxy becomes more urgent as forces of evil are gathering strength and young Skywalker slowly begins to be lured by the power of the Dark Side…

    John Williams supports ATTACK OF THE CLONES with a new stirring symphonic score, for the first time based almost completely around a single new theme, called “Across The Stars,” to enhance the passionate love story of the two protagonists. While not the first love theme of the STAR WARS series (a love theme for the romance between Han Solo and Princess Leia appears in THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK), “Across The Stars” is closer to the tradition of the “liebestod” by opera composers of the 18th and 19th century (mainly Richard Wagner), as it recurs several times throughout the film narrative punctuating the key moments of the relationship, but at the same time augmenting the chemistry between Anakin and Padme, with an approach that echoes also film scores of early Hollywood films from the 1930s and ‘40s. “In earlier films, love stories may have been more idealistic,” said John Williams in 2002. “We can now have passionate scenes that are very explicit physically, but in the earlier decades all that had to be imagined. So the task and opportunity for the composer might have been to provide the erotic aspects that couldn’t be shown.”

    In addition to the romantic aspect of the story, Williams also supports the action and the drama, again writing intense “kampfmusik” for the climactic battle sequences. In this regard, the score of ATTACK OF THE CLONES is a unique element in the canon of STAR WARS music, balancing some of Williams’ lushiest love music with highly dramatic battle music.

    This suite has been created editorially by juxtaposing and conjoining some of the cues as presented on the various soundtrack releases, as if to present it as a coherent concert suite; it focuses on the key moments of the story to create a symphonic musical narrative that can be appreciated also as “pure” music. The visuals are designs and illustrations done by some of the concept artists who worked on the film (Doug Chiang, Iain McCaig, Ryan Church, Erik Tiemens) and they’re used here to create a sort of “visual tone poem” in the style of classical works such as Pictures at an Exhibition.

    The music is splendidly performed by the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by John Williams

    BruceTimm, david227, Ponyo_11 y 3 usuarios han agradecido esto.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

  23. #4498
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 jun, 14
    48656 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, The Legacy of John Williams presents a 3-part video tribute featuring editorially-created visual tone poems enhancing the storytelling qualities of John Williams’ brilliant scores composed for the three films written and directed by George Lucas through the combination of music and concept artwork

    Part Three: “TRAGEDY OF A JEDI” – A Narrative Suite for Chorus and Orchestra from STAR WARS: EPISODE III – REVENGE OF THE SITH (2005)

    "I’ve had to work the music to accompany the scenes of where Anakin is turning from the honorable ways of the Jedi and is becoming lost in this imperial dark side of things. As with most of the “Star Wars” material, it’s more like an operatic musical function than perhaps most film scores." – John Williams

    For the third and closing episode of George Lucas’ STAR WARS prequel trilogy, composer John Williams accompanied Anakin Skywalker's final journey toward the Dark Side and the fall of the Galactic Republic with a thunderous musical score brimming with tragic overtones, greatly enhancing the dramatic turn of the events and the tragedy of the main character.

    Orchestrated for large symphony orchestra and SATB choir (singing Sanskrit lyrics in selected moments), Williams' music for REVENGE OF THE SITH is epic and bold, sometimes funereal, but always focused in carrying the drama and the inner emotions of Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala and Obi-Wan Kenobi with rich, powerful writing that creates a third dimension to what is being shown on the screen. The most dramatic moments are accompanied with music full of turmoil yet rich with lyricism, in the spirit of the "tragische musik" by such composers as Brahms, Verdi and Tchaikovsky.

    “Revenge of the Sith is certainly the darkest one of all of them,” said John Williams at the times of the score's recording in 2005. “Does that mean it has the darkest music? You can be looking at something that's quite horrific, but the music can be giving you a sense of compassion rather than just simply underlying what's very dark and difficult about it.”

    The suite has been created editorially by by juxtaposing and conjoining some of the cues as presented on the original soundtrack album, as if to present it as a concert suite and it focuses on some of the most compelling pieces featuring both orchestra and choir, giving it an operatic sense of narrative. The visuals are designs and illustrations done by some of the concept artists who worked for Lucasfilm (Iain McCaig, Ryan Church, Warren Fu, Aaron McBride, Erik Tiemens, Matt Allsopp) and they’re used here to create a sort of visual tone poem in the style of such classical works as "Pictures at an Exhibition."

    The music is splendidly performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and the London Voices, conducted by John Williams

    BruceTimm, david227, padmeluke y 1 usuarios han agradecido esto.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

  24. #4499
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Mini ensayo del gran Frank Lehman. Recomiendo leerlo con calma si se sabe inglés.

    Anakin’s Theme and the Musical Aftermath of The Phantom Menace

    PD: Frank Lehman is an Associate Professor of Music at Tufts University, specializing in film music, music theory, and John Williams.
    BruceTimm, david227 y padmeluke han agradecido esto.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

  25. #4500
    Vigilante Avatar de Branagh/Doyle
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    22 jun, 14
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    Predeterminado Re: Star Wars

    Nobody Seems to Know Why Kathleen Kennedy is Still at LucasFilm

    Kathleen Kennedy is still running Lucasfilm, despite another misfire in “The Acolyte,” which Disney+ quickly canceled after just one season.

    Puck’s Matt Belloni has asked around and “nobody at Disney seems to have a good answer for why Kathy’s still there.” Belloni got a lot of “she was George’s choice” type of answers, but most seemed bewildered by her continuing tenure as the overseer of all things “Star Wars”

    This past May, George Lucas told a Cannes audience that Kennedy “lost” the Star Wars ideas that he had suggested to her.

    “I was the one who really knew what “Star Wars” was…who actually knew this world, because there’s a lot to it. The force, for example, nobody understood the force,” said Lucas. “When they started other ones after I sold the company, a lot of the ideas that were in [the original] sort of got lost. But that’s the way it is. You give it up, you give it up.”

    There have been reports pointing towards Lucas not being particularly impressed by “The Force Awakens,” calling it an act of “retro” filmmaking. He even gave subtle hints of his dissatisfaction by quipping in an interview that selling Star Wars to Disney felt like selling his kids to slavers.

    Sure, there have been rumors, for almost five years now, that Kennedy would be getting the boot, but that hasn’t materialized, and if anything the Star Wars brand has continued to decline since then.

    Back in 2022, you had a Business Insider piece practically begging Bob Iger to do something, anything, to steer the Star Wars ship back on track. It doesn’t help that the last Star Wars movie was 2019’s “The Rise of Skywalker” and the franchise’s next film, “The Mandalorian and Groku,” is only coming in 2026. That’s seven years of inactivity.

    A planned trilogy from ‘The Last Jedi’ helmer Rian Johnson, originally announced in 2017, was recently put in the backburner, but Johnson has stated that he still hopes to make it. You also have projects brewing from filmmakers Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, James Mangold, Shawn Levy and Patty Jenkins.

    For 13 years, Kennedy has presided over the Star Wars brand and has borne the wrath of the fanboys, especially when it comes to the recent trilogy of films that reinvented the lore of the franchise.

    There’s been zero indication that Disney is willing to bring Lucas back into the fold, not even as a creative consultant, which would help — if I were them, I’d think about including him. He’s the mastermind behind the ideas and millions of fans could get back on the train if it meant that Lucas approved the direction.

    The best Star Wars movie since Kennedy took control of the ship is also the one that was the biggest production headache for Disney, that would be Gareth Edwards’ “Rogue One,” which Lucas seemed to really like.

    While Marvel Studios, Pixar, Disney Pictures and even 20th Century Studios have been enjoying a successful comeback this summer movie season, the disastrous tenure of Kennedy as LucasFilm president continues. Lucasfilm is the only Disney studio that hasn’t had a major success in recent years. They have been consistently releasing Disney+ shows with middling reviews and viewership.

    With the cancellation of “The Acolyte,” Star Wars is floundering now, more than ever. It doesn’t help that their slate of upcoming films just doesn’t scream “major success” to anybody. I don’t think LucasFilm’s upcoming projects will reinvigorate audiences like “Deadpool 3” or “Inside Out.” Longtime Star Wars fans are checking out of the franchise, interest is at an all-time low and the future looks grim.

    BruceTimm, JohnStallone y PrimeCallahan han agradecido esto.
    "There’s this misconception these days that a thematic score means a dated-sounding score. This, of course, is a cop out. There’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The art of composing modern scores is the having the skill set to keep motifs alive while being relevant. But too many times, newer composers have no idea what fully developed themes are because they grew up on scores that are nothing more than ostinatos and “buahs.”

    John Ottman.

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