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Tema: Ocho sentencias de muerte (Kind Hearts and Coronets, 1949, Robert Hamer)

  1. #1
    Amante de Bella Note Avatar de Ponyo_11
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    05 mar, 11
    19291 veces

    Predeterminado Ocho sentencias de muerte (Kind Hearts and Coronets, 1949, Robert Hamer)

    StudioCanal lanzará este 22 de abril en 4K la clásica película británica "Ocho sentencias de muerte", Dennis Price, Valerie Hobson, Joan Greenwood, Alec Guinness, y Audrey Fildes.

    StudioCanal are preparing a 4K Blu-ray release of Robert Hamer's classic black comedy Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949), starring Dennis Price, Valerie Hobson, Joan Greenwood, Alec Guinness, and Audrey Fildes. The release is scheduled to arrive on the market on April 22.

    Description: Hailing from the Golden-Age of Ealing comedies, KIND HEARTS & CORONETS stars DENNIS PRICE as the debonair yet impoverished Louis Mazzini, the would-be Duke of Chalfont whose mother was disinherited by her noble family, for marrying beneath her. When her dying wish to be buried in the family crypt is refused, Louis vows to avenge his mother and work his way up the family tree by engaging in the gentle art of murder. One by one he attempts to kill off the eight successors that stand in the way of his becoming Duke - all played by ALEC GUINESS in an unforgettable tour-de-force performance.

    Directed by ROBERT HAMER, KIND HEARTS & CORONETS also stars JOAN GREENWOOD as the husky-voiced siren Sibella and VALERIE HOBSON as the refined and virtuous Edith D'Ascoyne, both of whom threaten to distract Louis from his killing quest. A wonderfully entertaining combination of biting class satire, hilarious farce and pitch-black comedy, this story of a suave and elegant serial murderer is as sharp and funny today as ever.
    Special Features and Technical Specs:

    • NEW Audio commentary with film writer and critic Kat Ellinger
    • Once More with Ealing - featurette with critic Peter Bradshaw and filmmakers Whit Stillman, Paul King, Stephen Woolley
    • John Landis Introduction
    • Audio commentary with Peter Bradshaw, Terence Davies & Matthew Guiness
    • Dennis Price: Those British Faces
    • Alternative US Ending
    • BFI's Introducing Ealing Studios
    • Behind the Scenes Stills Gallery
    • Costume Stills Gallery
    • Optional English SDH subtitles for the main feature

    Última edición por Ponyo_11; 21/02/2024 a las 19:34
    Casiusco, Patillo y starwanderer han agradecido esto.

  2. #2
    Anda, alégrame el día. Avatar de varo
    Fecha de ingreso
    18 nov, 17
    13408 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Ocho sentencias de muerte (Kind Hearts and Coronets, 1949, Robert Hamer)

    no se complicaron mucho, es la presentación bluray antigua
    " Quod in hac vita facimus, vocem aeternitate habet"

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